Redskins in review...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...there doesn't seem to be much in the way of doomsday talk about the end of the Redskins first two years under Shanahan and even a tad or three of optimism.

Well, I am here to help. :evil:

Starting at the top, QB, Rex has always and still does make lots and lots of unforced errors. That has nothing to do with the O line or the skill people. There is no improvement to speak of. He has hot streaks, as he did in the past but, there is no consistent solid play let alone excellent. He is, at best, a caretaker until...who knows?

Skill people; Cooley is probably done here. Davis should be flat out cut. Moss should be traded for a ham sammitch. At best, everyone else seems to be role players and depth. They might contribute on a talented team but, no one is showing starter chops. RB by committee seems feasible and has worked in the past for Mike.

O line, I'd cut Williams, too. I don't see how you keep idiots and have the goal of having a team with the type of players willing to make the sacrifices to win. O line by committee might be the real success of Shanahan this season.

So, on offense, QB; failing grade with nothing on the horizon, skill; fail and O line, for once, isn't the BIG weakness of the team which is depressing in and of itself because, this year, it SHOULD be. :jameo:

Defense, the conventional wisdom is that it is 'much better' especially the front 7. I ain't seeing it. Did they win any games? One, in week 1. Did they consistently shut people down? No. Did they put the O in good field position, get key turnovers or stops? Not consistently. There seems to be some depth in the secondary and the type of complimentary players that will work with a great front 7 but, we ain't great up front and I'm not sure we're even good. At this point, average is the best I can offer and Fletcher, the team MVP, again, simply can't play at this level much longer. That's an enormous hole coming and soon.

Special teams; one of the ways middle of the pact teams win a few more games is with special teams. We don't have it. Average at best and that is being generous.

The story goes that we were felled by injuries and unusually bad number of turnovers. Well, the turnovers are built in with Rex and everyone has injuries.

Packers, Saints, Giants, Falcons, San Francisco and Detroit. We do not have one player on our offense that would start for any of them and, other than the anomaly of the Giants, which is nothing but an anomaly, we can't claim to be as good or almost as good as any of them. The Cowboys, Eagles, the Bears are all, clearly, better than us. We are the Rams, Seahawks, Panthers, Vikings, Bucs and Cards and we merely among that group, not leading it.

Pats, Ravens, Steeler's, Bengals, Bronco's and Texans, we're not in that class and even the Bronco's, because of their D, eat us up. Raiders, Chargers, Titans, Dolphins, Bills, Jets, all better than us or more upside than what we have. Chiefs, Colts, Browns, Titans, are we clearly better than them???

Good teams have discernible traits, reasons they win. Up and coming teams have reasons they're up and coming be it a QB or really good defense or collection of O talent at skill or even rock solid special teams to build off of. It is arguable that the Skins are making less of the big bonehead decisions of the past but, barely. And it seems obvious that the drafting is gotten better. However, where is that trait that the Skins are coming? Not at QB, nothing remarkable anywhere on offense. Special teams are nothing special and the D is not scaring anyone.

The sky is falling. However, for us, it's a short drop.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Interesting Shanahan discussion today on 980 I figure is worth commenting on. The story now goes that Shanahan should have known much better what he had talent wise when he got here. Given everyone else in the universe knew, that is a reasonable statement. However, where it has gone is that Shanny is now saying that he over estimated the talent and, per Obama, is only now coming to realize just what a mess the last guy left for him.

Well, that requires a duality that does not exist; either Mike made enoumous misjudgments, which is highly unlikely given not just who he is but also that, as we all agree; everyone knew our talent pool was shallow and precisely where or, what is probably the real story;

Mike certainly knew what we had and did not have and simply over estimated his talents as a coach and his ability to do more, much more, with what we have.



Nothing to see here
Interesting Shanahan discussion today on 980 I figure is worth commenting on. The story now goes that Shanahan should have known much better what he had talent wise when he got here. Given everyone else in the universe knew, that is a reasonable statement. However, where it has gone is that Shanny is now saying that he over estimated the talent and, per Obama, is only now coming to realize just what a mess the last guy left for him.

Well, that requires a duality that does not exist; either Mike made enoumous misjudgments, which is highly unlikely given not just who he is but also that, as we all agree; everyone knew our talent pool was shallow and precisely where or, what is probably the real story;

Mike certainly knew what we had and did not have and simply over estimated his talents as a coach and his ability to do more, much more, with what we have.


Those guys will poisen your mind if you listen to them..Only one there with level headed commentary on the skins is Kevin Sheehan, tho I do think Loverro is fair. The Sports Clowns at 4 are only good for laughs.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Those guys will poisen your mind if you listen to them..Only one there with level headed commentary on the skins is Kevin Sheehan, tho I do think Loverro is fair.

That's who I was listening to at that point. They are both of the 'all in with Shanahan' model and I think that is absurd. Shanahan is not the young, dynamic up and coming coach we need. He is Haslett's boss and our D is nothing special. He, Mike, 'stake his reputation' on Rex and Beck and, I'm sorry, there seems to be no magic dust there. As I mentioned, I can see a future with the RB by committee and think someone did an outstanding job with that O line but, Shanahan is, at best, average with average talent and that is not why he is here.

Jason Reid makes the absurd argument that everything is fine with Shanahan and that he had great success with great QB's; Elway and Young (as OC) and that Mike's strengths come to the fore with great talent. Really? Really???
Reid argues that all sorts of coached have failed with great talent, which is true but, that does not automatically make the case that Mike made two Hall of Fame talents significantly better. Mike is here as an elite coach able to do elite things for elite money and that is NOT 6-10 and 5-11. If he's supposed to be coaching a Manning or Brees or Rogers or Brady or Rivers, fine. Go coach them but, we had what we had when he showed up and he's done NOTHING noteworthy with the team. Not special teams, not defense and not offense unless we count the fiasco with McNabb as noteworthy. What next, a play for Manning so that Mike can achieve greatness???

We are better off in terms of the draft. Being better than The Vin ain't exactly the biggest challenge we faced. We were better off by ditching Albert, a big step forward, and not making any major FA bonehead moves. However, that is in jeopardy if we keep Williams and Davis. We keep them, it's a step back. You can't keep them, you just can't if the goal is to build a team of people willing to commit TO the team in order to win a Superbowl. It is the wrong sort of leadership to keep them and it is wrong to subject the team to the DAILY fear of them ####ing up yet again.


Well-Known Member
Those guys will poisen your mind if you listen to them..Only one there with level headed commentary on the skins is Kevin Sheehan, tho I do think Loverro is fair. The Sports Clowns at 4 are only good for laughs.
