Redskins moving forward...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...if we've learned nothing else, we've learned that the Redskins still have a long way to go if the goal is winning a Superbowl.

I have been against the RGIII trade from the beginning BUT, readily and happily acknowledge that he is incredible, a true super star talent who brought one thing to the table, leadership, the ability to make other players better, that, if anything, is more important than his actual performance. It extends to everyone, the defense, special teams, the attitude of the whole team. Leadership.

However, there is no getting around that he is always one play from being out (10-15 if you are Mike Shanahan and wanna see a complete breakdown before you take him out) for the season. Or worse. And, we've seen that, for all his heart and skill and raw talent, Robert ain't going to stand up to the pounding very well so, that enormous part of his skill set is actually limited. Guys like Wilson and Kapearnick seem a whole lot hardier and physically sturdier. Add to it that NFL coaches have all off season to not just prepare for Robert and the read option but, have Wilson to look at as well as Kapearnick, including Colin's upcoming SB performance to figure out how to shut it down.

So, we have a special player who may not be quite as special. Who would you pick, Colin Kapearnick or RGIII?

And, as has been pointed out, San Fran has 3 first round picks on their O line. As well as a total of NINE pro bowlers.

The Ravens have two all world players, Reed and Lewis, hall of fame types. Plus Suggs. Plus Ngata. Plus that kid, 31, who just started blowing people up in the second half yesterday. Plus Ray Rice, plus a really good O line plus some serious skill receivers including a real good TE, Bouldin and seemingly, 2 or 3 tall, fast guys.

We stand a chance against either of those teams? In the playoffs?

How about the Falcons? The Patriots?

We could argue that we had a chance against the Seahawks with a healthy Robert but, no more than a chance and, well, he was hurt. And THAT, again, is an issue. Kapearnick, Brady, Ryan, Wilson, Flacco, Schaub, all not hurt.

The Redskins put on a spectacular run. I just think the cost was too high and, again, all those other teams are solid and deep.

Is Robert just another band aid of the moment? Was he just another misfire? All he brings is as advertised and, as I mentioned, even more. But, watching these playoffs, man, even absent all our injuries, Orakpo, Carricker, the issues at safety, Davis, Garcon being out most of the year, are we truly heading in the right direction?

The level of play in the playsoffs has been an eye opener.


What the team needed was some stability, strong leadership, and a sense of direction, which they got from RG3. One hopes that will carry over into the next season, whether or not RG3 is fully healthy. If someone like Ray Lewis can inspire a team while on the sidelines, there is no reason to think otherwise with RG3, assuming he's not up to par by the regular season. Trouble is that RG3 will fight tooth and nail to play, and that's what worrys me, if he's not 100%. Granted, Kirk Cousins may not be RG3, but he is far better than Grossman as second string and has shown potential in the clutch. And if they can fit them into the scheme until RG3 is fully healthy again, I think the Skins will do alright, though he is obviously not much of a runner/scrambler.

Looking at the schedule, besides the 6 NFC East rival games (on any given Sunday, but I don't see us repeating 5-1), we face 6 teams with winning records including San Fran, Atlanta, Chicago, Green Bay, Minnesota, and Denver. It's going to be a tough season no matter how you look at it (but at least we don't face the dreaded Rams). To expect the kind of success we experienced this year on what I believe was a motivated run that I fail to see repeated, will surely find disappointment on a lot of hopeful fans. Particularly when the read option may be better defended next year. You've gotta think that DCs are gonna figure something out.

Which means that RG3 will probably be trained more as a traditional pocket passer, with the read option used much more sparingly, if nothing more but to keep him healthy. What kind of success with the Redskins have with that kind of shift in the offensive scheme? I think the offense will still score at a high level, but if we are going to win games, it's going to come down to defense. Hopefully, we can see a healthy Orakpo and Carriker farther into the next season and maybe beef up our safety/corners, with what little draft picks we have left and free agency money after the $18 million drop.

Playoffs? PLAYoffs? Lets just play one game at a time like we did at the latter of last season and worry about the playoffs if it looks like we even have a chance. An NFC East title was more than I was hoping for, or expecting, but we mustn't let that go to our head. We could be in the same spot at the Cowboys are next season at 8-8 or worse. Let's just build on what we have smartly and safely, and get us poised to play with the big guys.


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
RGIII was a mistake. He's one hard hit away from retirement. He's already taken ten years worth of abuse in his rookie year. Snyder morgtaged the entire future on RGIII. Not smart.

And you better believe a team like Jacksonville or Kansas City would go after Kirk Cousins if they can't get Alex Smith or Matt Flynn.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Forward, huh? Sounds like a campaign slogan. Looks like Snyder is doing to the Skins what O is doing to the country.

Hard to mix the two. Snyder is enormously successful if earning profit and increasing value are the goal. He's certainly not running the business into the ground. But, I get the point.


...if we've learned nothing else, we've learned that the Redskins still have a long way to go if the goal is winning a Superbowl.

Funny you should word it this way. Why would you question that the goal is winning the SB?

I know why... SNOTTY!. MONEY!

That is the goal.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Funny you should word it this way. Why would you question that the goal is winning the SB?

I know why... SNOTTY!. MONEY!

That is the goal.

Not funny. I am in the same boat as you.

The priorities are all wrong for a pro sports team and great for an evil corporation.