Redskins playoff picture


It seems that the Skins playoff picture is better than I first realized. Assuming they tie the Giants at the end of the season, the Redskins stand a better chance for a tie-breaker. The Giants divisional record stands at 2-3, and with one more divisional game (against Philly), lets assume they win that game. The best they can do 3-3 divisionally. The Redskins are at 3-1 and have two divisional games left (Philly and Dallas). The worse they can do is 3-3, but if they can win any one of those games, they'll be 4-2 and will have the tie breaker (I'm hoping that Philly's woes will continue).

'Course, all that depends if the Giants can lose one more game than we do by season's end. They have the Saints, the Falcons, the Ravens, and the Eagles. While the Skin have the Ravens, the Browns, the Eagles, and the Cowboys. My hope is that the Skins could win at least vs the Browns and Eagles. Lets hope that the first three NY opponents have very good games.

Dallas, on the other hand, is at 3-2 divisionally and at worse go 3-3, best at 4-2, if they can beat the Skins on the last game. Assuming it ends up a three way tie in the standings with the Giants, the Skins and Cowboys, if the Skins and Cowboys tie at 4-2 divisionally, then NY is out of the Divisional Title. Then the tiebreaker goes to the conference record. Right now the Cowboys are 5-5 at conference and the Skins 6-4. Cowboys have the Bengals, Steelers, Saints, and Skins left. The best they can do conference-wise is 7-5, but if we beat Philly, we'll be 7-5 also, if we lose to the Cowboys the last game.

Of course, if we can beat the Cowboys again, that will take care of the tiebreakers.

I'm not even going into the wild card picture as there are too many variables. But at any rate, though they have a tough schedule, I'd say the Redskins have a decent chance of getting into the playoffs, realistically even taking the division.


It seems that the Skins playoff picture is better than I first realized. Assuming they tie the Giants at the end of the season, the Redskins stand a better chance for a tie-breaker. The Giants divisional record stands at 2-3, and with one more divisional game (against Philly), lets assume they win that game. The best they can do 3-3 divisionally. The Redskins are at 3-1 and have two divisional games left (Philly and Dallas). The worse they can do is 3-3, but if they can win any one of those games, they'll be 4-2 and will have the tie breaker (I'm hoping that Philly's woes will continue).

'Course, all that depends if the Giants can lose one more game than we do by season's end. They have the Saints, the Falcons, the Ravens, and the Eagles. While the Skin have the Ravens, the Browns, the Eagles, and the Cowboys. My hope is that the Skins could win at least vs the Browns and Eagles. Lets hope that the first three NY opponents have very good games.

Dallas, on the other hand, is at 3-2 divisionally and at worse go 3-3, best at 4-2, if they can beat the Skins on the last game. Assuming it ends up a three way tie in the standings with the Giants, the Skins and Cowboys, if the Skins and Cowboys tie at 4-2 divisionally, then NY is out of the Divisional Title. Then the tiebreaker goes to the conference record. Right now the Cowboys are 5-5 at conference and the Skins 6-4. Cowboys have the Bengals, Steelers, Saints, and Skins left. The best they can do conference-wise is 7-5, but if we beat Philly, we'll be 7-5 also, if we lose to the Cowboys the last game.

Of course, if we can beat the Cowboys again, that will take care of the tiebreakers.

I'm not even going into the wild card picture as there are too many variables. But at any rate, though they have a tough schedule, I'd say the Redskins have a decent chance of getting into the playoffs, realistically even taking the division.

You better hope they win the Division, the chances of them getting one of the WildCards away from the Bears or Seahawks is slim to none.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It seems that the Skins playoff picture is better than I first realized. Assuming they tie the Giants at the end of the season, the Redskins stand a better chance for a tie-breaker. The Giants divisional record stands at 2-3, and with one more divisional game (against Philly), lets assume they win that game. The best they can do 3-3 divisionally. The Redskins are at 3-1 and have two divisional games left (Philly and Dallas). The worse they can do is 3-3, but if they can win any one of those games, they'll be 4-2 and will have the tie breaker (I'm hoping that Philly's woes will continue).

'Course, all that depends if the Giants can lose one more game than we do by season's end. They have the Saints, the Falcons, the Ravens, and the Eagles. While the Skin have the Ravens, the Browns, the Eagles, and the Cowboys. My hope is that the Skins could win at least vs the Browns and Eagles. Lets hope that the first three NY opponents have very good games.

Dallas, on the other hand, is at 3-2 divisionally and at worse go 3-3, best at 4-2, if they can beat the Skins on the last game. Assuming it ends up a three way tie in the standings with the Giants, the Skins and Cowboys, if the Skins and Cowboys tie at 4-2 divisionally, then NY is out of the Divisional Title. Then the tiebreaker goes to the conference record. Right now the Cowboys are 5-5 at conference and the Skins 6-4. Cowboys have the Bengals, Steelers, Saints, and Skins left. The best they can do conference-wise is 7-5, but if we beat Philly, we'll be 7-5 also, if we lose to the Cowboys the last game.

Of course, if we can beat the Cowboys again, that will take care of the tiebreakers.

I'm not even going into the wild card picture as there are too many variables. But at any rate, though they have a tough schedule, I'd say the Redskins have a decent chance of getting into the playoffs, realistically even taking the division.

I truly admire when someone besides me not only drinks it but, brews the Kool Aid! :lol:

Let's hope for this; the last game of the regular season and both us and the Cowboys need it to get in. A defacto playoff game. At home. Against the Boys.


From there, the playoffs take care of themselves.


I truly admire when someone besides me not only drinks it but, brews the Kool Aid! :lol:

Let's hope for this; the last game of the regular season and both us and the Cowboys need it to get in. A defacto playoff game. At home. Against the Boys.


From there, the playoffs take care of themselves.

That would be sweet.