Redskins pre season


So far they stink! The new Campbell is the old Campbell. O line looks a little better, secondary is getting beat like a porch dog.

Bring on Colt!


The big defense the Skins were hoping for seems to be missing. Of course it is pre-season but damn.


Active Member
The big defense the Skins were hoping for seems to be missing. Of course it is pre-season but damn.

I agree. WTF was theismann talking about when he said "the offense had a good showing in the first half?" I think he got hit one too many times. :lol:

Uh Oh here comes COLT! :yahoo:


Football addict
Orakpo looks solid. O-line is horrible.

Brennan = Campbell with the same O-line.

Change the O-line and change your success.


New Member
If the Skins had as many touchdowns versus as many "you knows" in sideline interviews, we would be Super Bowl champs at this point.

You know?

Well in fact I don't know, explain brotherman.

You know, if we scored more points then them, we would have won. You know.

Oops, forgot to thank the Lord Jesus Christ our savior, Amen.

Don't get me wrong. I love my Skins. But "you know" I would love to have a
dollar for every "you know" that I hear from the brothers in sideline/locker room interviews. And just to think, they "graduated" from great universities from across this great land of ours and are making millions, you know?

Just my rant, you know?
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
If the Skins had as many touchdowns versus as many "you knows" in sideline interviews, we would be Super Bowl champs at this point.

You know?

Well in fact I don't know, explain brotherman.

You know, if we scored more points then them, we would have won. You know.

Oops, forgot to thank the Lord Jesus Christ our savior, Amen.

Don't get me wrong. I love my Skins. But "you know" I would love to have a
dollar for every "you know" that I hear from the brothers in sideline/locker room interviews. And just to think, they "graduated" from great universities from across this great land of ours and are making millions, you know?

Just my rant, you know?

At the end of the day, this is professional football and we have a lot of people who fit that model; they get paid to play football and the canned responses are part of that. You're supposed to say all that stuff so that you don't say what you're really thinking; "Who cares? We're getting paid either way."

I mean, name a team, a successful team, and then think about that team and what are the first things that come to mind?

Steelers; Ben, Hines, Troy, the incredible linebackers, yellow towels, good teams year after year after year

Pats; Brady, Moss, Wes, the fast break offense, really good defense, Bill. Letting go of star players who want lots of money, getting good players who want to be part of a winner

Indy; Peyton, the WR's, Bob Sanders, Dungee, now gone.

Philly; Reid, McNabb, Westbrook, good defense every year

Cards; New at this, Warner, Boldin, Fitzgerald, explosive defense. Wisenhunt (ex of the Steelers)

Ravens; Ray Lewis and defense.


They all have more to talk about than Redskin players tend to because they have more going on besides getting paid to be there.

I'm just frustrated right now because Pete is dead on; New Campbell same as the old Campbell. Another new big star on the team, still no readily identifiable core. Smug young punks that flick the ball 20 yards after making what for most people is a routine play, Kelly, which is going to cost a delay at some point. Devin Thomas trying to pretend he's mature and THE man. People who get hit in the hands and don't make the INT even though it may well be the difference between making a team or not.

Who are we? What are we? A collection of individuals. Not a team. And it ain't the players fault.
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Indy; Peyton, the WR's, Bob Sanders, Dungee, now gone.

Philly; Reid, McNabb, Westbrook, good defense every year

Cards; New at this, Warner, Boldin, Fitzgerald, explosive defense. Wisenhunt (ex of the Steelers)

Ravens; Ray Lewis and defense.

Redskins? Dan Snyder :ohwell:

:ohwell: ..


What pizzes me off is the failure to adapt. This is a pro football team and the people running it are supposed to be able to see their weakness and fix it, if you cannot fix it you adapt to it.

The O-line still sucks even though it is a little better than last year based on what I saw last night. Why did they not improve it with signings? If you can't fix it do NOT pocket pass if you can't maintain a friggin pocket for 1 second! Adapt! Don't continue to do the same old crap that gets your ass kicked over and over.

Zorn needs to smack half these jackasses in the nose with a rolled up newspaper. Like Larry said it is a loose collection of thugs trying to out showboat each other after a catch that was not that damn special.

The secondary was completely blown away. These are guys who should be playing all out to secure a spot but they played like old women.


It's only pre-season. :cds:

True but last night looked like the 17th game of last season. Same old ass kicking, same old problems. A QB who looks like he just got picked out of a TGI Fridays and said "You are our QB". The O line looks like they actually help the defenders through instead of blocking them. To make matters worse the decent defense from last year was not there last night at all.


I think we usually do pretty good during pre-season than regular season starts and we fvck up. Sooooooo maybe if we suck for preseason by some miracle we will do better when the regular season starts :shrug: