Redskins ranked 121 out of 122


No big surprise here.

ESPN ranks Redskins second-to-last among big four pro sports franchises

The Magazine’s 2011 “Ultimate Standings” — which provide “an overall ranking for pro sports franchises according to how much they give back to fans for the time, money and emotion they invest in them” — has the Redskins ranked 121st among 122 North American pro franchises.

Even more troubling, perhaps, was the result of the ESPN fan survey, asking fans to rate on a scale of 1-5 how their commitment to their favorite team had changed in recent years. The Redskins finished tied with the Kings for 116th in that category.

The rankings, according to the Mag, are based on efficiency in spending fan money compared to on-field performance, while also factoring in feedback from 70,000 fans in online and independent polls. The categories include “bang for the buck” (24.3%), players (16.6%), fan relations (16.5%), affordability (14.1%), stadium experience (9.1%), ownership (9.0%), title track (6.7%), and coaching (3.9%).

Yes, more anti-Snottie rants from me.

Snyder's got to go!


Well-Known Member
The NFL channel has a show about their top-10 free agent busts. Their #1 free agent bust isn't a single person like the other top 9. It's the Redskins as a whole.


Supper's Ready
Again, no surprise from the Snyder-infatuated, self-appointed love fest that you'd celebrate being deemed the worst in ALL of sports.

I'm thinking Mr. Snyder's :buddies: is in being thankful for the Bungals. :lol:

But looking at the ESPN link, the Skins were 121st in three categories: Affordability, Fan Relations, and Overall. The Bungals were 122nd in four categories.

At the other end of the list, the Packers were rated in the top ten in all but two categories, three which were number 1.