Redskins Season Ticket Holders


Can you ping me now? Good
Tinkerbell said:
Any of you maybe not using your December 6th tickets? Bears at Redskins?


If so, maybe we could talk? :yay:

Possibly...I usually only go to 4 games a year. Let me look at the schedule andI'll get back to you.


Baby blues
bfncbs1 said:
Possibly...I usually only go to 4 games a year. Let me look at the schedule andI'll get back to you.

Awesome. :yay: Just let me know. I know football is a while away, but I always look forward to it.


Football addict
Coventry17 said:
Redskins fans will be giving them away by December, just sit tight and be patient.
If they're a fan, they assuredly wouldn't be giving them away.:wink: