Redskins situation gets even more bizzare


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
From Sara Walsh (Channel 9) via Facebook:

Sara Walsh Wusa it keeps getting weirder, and weirder and weirder out here. DCoordinator Greg Blache now is apparently not addressing the media for the rest of the season.

Sara Walsh Wusa So practice will end momentarily and Zorn is going to address the Blache silence. We are told it's a personal matter relating to anxiety. Don't know if the anxiety is personal or it's the anxiety of the position he's in. A few theories-Blache is tight with Sherman Lewis who just came in. Maybe that's causing a rift if he had something to do with ... Read Morebringing Lewis here. Another theory, pondered in the Post today, is that they're setting up the Zorn firing and Blache would be the takeover guy. So maybe he doesn't want to address those questions...Will find out momentarily!