Redskins vs Dallas


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Quite a roller coaster ride at the end. The actual play was pretty poor overall by both teams.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Quite a roller coaster ride at the end. The actual play was pretty poor overall by both teams.

You think? There was a LOT of outstanding play, I think, but interrupted an awful lot with tons of penalties (including some serious ticky tack by the refs going both ways). Both QB's played really well, for the most part. Their LB (Lee) had a heck of a game. Both secondaries played their asses off. The lines beat on each other for 60 minutes. Edgy, competitive, hard fought. Thing that really got me was why on earth our coaches brother pointed out, all night, what Dallas was doing on defense, the A gap blitzes, and we simply never adjusted. Never went two backs, very little attempt to toss wide away from it.

Over all, it kept my attention for 4 quarters which is rare for any game these days.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

He managed to turn a 1st and 10 for Wash at the 26 into a 1st and 10 for Dallas at about the 15 in just a few incredible hot dog, "let's take it back to the goal line and that will surely get me better field position" brain-dead seconds. What a star!
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Larry Gude

Strung Out

He managed to turn a 1st and 10 for Wash at the 26 into a 1st and 10 for Dallas at about the 15 in just a few incredible hot dog, "let's take it back to the goal line and that will surely get me better field position" brain-dead seconds. What a star!

It's worth noting Philly flat out cut him. It is worth noting that he had hamstring problems after an off-season of pursing other interests. Guy is a stellar talent but perhaps not the kind of guy you think of when you think 'team' and more the guy you think of when thinking 'sell tickets'. The perfect Redskin of this era.


Well-Known Member
It's worth noting Philly flat out cut him. It is worth noting that he had hamstring problems after an off-season of pursing other interests. Guy is a stellar talent but perhaps not the kind of guy you think of when you think 'team' and more the guy you think of when thinking 'sell tickets'. The perfect Redskin of this era.

It's also worth noting that the Philly coach has decimated what was a pretty good team.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member

He managed to turn a 1st and 10 for Wash at the 26 into a 1st and 10 for Dallas at about the 15 in just a few incredible hot dog, "let's take it back to the goal line and that will surely get me better field position" brain-dead seconds. What a star!

It's a good thing he's been blessed with speed as I doubt he'd have much of a career as a rocket scientist.


Well-Known Member
Even after the night was over, Skins are on top of the division and the Cowboys are still last. Getting a little crowded though. All Redskins need to do is win all their games and the others won't be able to over take us and the Skins control the tiebreaker. Do I think they will win out probably not.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Mediocre offensive effort by both teams. Redskins need to 1) Find a run game. 2) Learn to pick up blitzes. 3) Not let #11 do stupid shiat. 4) Let Kirk throw the damned ball. (Think Blake Bortles)


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Ya'lls can thank your Lovie Smith stars and his cowardly calls at the end for your 5-7 rather than 4-8.