religious customs


How much; do you think, that our performances at worship and church events turn others away from the excitement of christ!

In other words do the works we perform in worship and ministry drive the unbelievers away from our doors?


Routinely Derailed
Some folks have church phobia - not an exaggeration or fabrication, the phobia leads to panic attacks.

Some folks want an excuse to not darken the door of a church. Any excuse, and liturgy is a prime target.

I think the Holy Spirit overcomes those things when the time is right.


Well-Known Member
Some folks have church phobia - not an exaggeration or fabrication, the phobia leads to panic attacks.

Some folks want an excuse to not darken the door of a church. Any excuse, and liturgy is a prime target.

I think the Holy Spirit overcomes those things when the time is right.

Right on. Christianity teaches - plainly and clearly - that all are sinners and cannot do anything to save themselves. Many people just do not want to face that hard, sobering fact, and will really try and stay away from churches that preach the Bible, which is what Christianity is.

Many may attend a service at a church that is pure excitement and entertainment, but with little to no Bible teaching. I personally know people that have done exactly that, and never went back simply because they really saw no difference between going somewhere that does not stand by what they advertise themselves on, and not going anywhere at all. Does that make sense?

Peoples hearts can be softened and changed, and that happens, often by the life and witness believers portray on the street and not just in church.

Good topic.


New Member
How much; do you think, that our performances at worship and church events turn others away from the excitement of christ!

In other words do the works we perform in worship and ministry drive the unbelievers away from our doors?

From particular doors perhaps... from Christ? Not in the long run. God the Father will save His elect and NOTHING can thwart His purposes in doing so.



To be able to fully disciple to people we need to be able to reach them. If we are keeping people from coming to hear the word of God, are we being the disciple that can teach, and make believers as we go into the world.

Jesus said in Matthew 28; <SUP class=versenum>19 </SUP>Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,<SUP class=crossreference value='(R)'></SUP> baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,<SUP class=crossreference value='(S)'></SUP> <SUP class=versenum>20 </SUP>and teaching<SUP class=crossreference value='(T)'></SUP> them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you<SUP class=crossreference value='(U)'></SUP> always, to the very end of the age.”<SUP class=crossreference value='(V)'></SUP>


Well-Known Member
The ears have to want to hear first, so Christians have that opportunity in or out of church.

There are always different approaches to preaching the word. A really good gospel message can be put out in about 10 minutes, easy, with lots of quotations of verses in an order that is very easy for the uninformed to comprehend.

That's where the curious need to begin - the basic message first, understand, and believe.

IMHO, in any sermon, if the gospel is not preached in there somewhere, the sermon has been wasted.


New Member
The ears have to want to hear first, so Christians have that opportunity in or out of church.

There are always different approaches to preaching the word. A really good gospel message can be put out in about 10 minutes, easy, with lots of quotations of verses in an order that is very easy for the uninformed to comprehend.

That's where the curious need to begin - the basic message first, understand, and believe.

IMHO, in any sermon, if the gospel is not preached in there somewhere, the sermon has been wasted.
If you notice in almost all of Paul's letters he follows a pattern for sound teaching that is always "because of the gospel of what Christ did, therefore you do this". Preach the gospel!


Well-Known Member
If you notice in almost all of Paul's letters he follows a pattern for sound teaching that is always "because of the gospel of what Christ did, therefore you do this". Preach the gospel!

Amen. And amen. Truth.