Relocated Computer


Princess of Mean
I decided, on a whim, that my computing needs would be better met if my puter were downstairs vs. upstairs. A 1999 Gateway computer is pretty hefty! After several minutes of heavy lifting, I am now operational once again with the real reason for being downstairs snoozing on my lap. Yep, I really moved the computer so Otto could spend more time sleeping on my lap.


jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
:lol: The things we do for our animals. It's very rare that I'm on the computer and don't have one dog at my feet and one of the cats in my lap.


Princess of Mean
Little? I've got 17lbs of Otto and 20 lbs of Grrrrt on my lap right now. My thigh is cramping! But my elbow is getting a good bath. Thanks Grrrrt.


Princess of Mean
Wouldn't trade ya for all the greenies at Petsmart. Although the addition of Dolly weighing in at 35 lbs is making it difficult to feel anything below my thighbone.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Baja28 said:
WOW!!! What a food bill!! :twitch:
Actually, she's the smaller of our two. The other one weighs over 90 pounds. Neither one holds a candle to the shepherd/husky mix we had. She topped out at 130. :yikes:


Obama destroyed America
jazz lady said:
Actually, she's the smaller of our two. The other one weighs over 90 pounds. Neither one holds a candle to the shepherd/husky mix we had. She topped out at 130. :yikes: