Remaining Upper Right Molars


Well-Known Member
I am and have been taking PHENYTEK for seizure disorder since 1993. Over the years my teeth started to loosen, crack, etc. due to long-term use of this medication.

I have 14 bottom teeth left and I am down to 9 whole teeth on the top.
Specifically, with regard to the molars on my upper right quadrant, I have one full molar behind the canine; behind that a "root canal-ed" tooth which broke at the gumline and behid that I have what is left of the two molars.

The one toward the front is broken off in the front. The one behind that is broken on the front AND the back.

A little additional info: I was a 2-pack-a-day (+ or -) smoker since 1988; prob'ly why I started having seizures in '93 (some folks think).
(Quit in October '09) :yay: Right?

Anyway, like I said, since I have been on the aforementioned meds for all these years my teeth have done nothing but deteriorate and fall out or break. NOW, at 40, I am facing 'a set of uppers.' /:-\
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