Remember me? Builder Problems



Just a reminder to everyone, who might have read my post about 4 months ago. Watch who you choose as a builder! To this day, we have problems with our home and with Jim's Custom Homes. Not only is it the house, the yard, it is also with him personally now. With the hurricane, and all the tree damage, he has mentioned to several people in the neighborhood, that the neighborhood is welcome to use any amount of dirt (he has a large pile of dirt) to fix there yards. But us!!! He has put up “No Trespassing” signs, in front of the dirt on the day we were supposed to get some. He is discriminating towards our family. We did, finally get our yard done, but not properly. We have only a few blades of grass. If you would call that a yard! The dirt is no problem, we will be glad to pay for our own dirt. I just wanted to update those who gave me good advice about what to do when a builder doesn’t do his job.


New Member
Are you upset that:

* The hurricane damaged your property
* You're having problems with your builder
* You don't have the perfect lawn
* You weren't allowed to freeload dirt
* You were being discriminated against




I am not upset about the Hurricane; I am upset that the builder has not done his job. When someone spends over $250 thousand, you expect, a house in;
• Great condition
• A nice yard
• A Fair Neighborhood Association that is equal to all home buyers
In my post, I mentioned this;
The dirt is no problem, we will be glad to pay for our own dirt.

So we are not trying to, as you said ““You weren't allowed to freeload dirt”

Thank you, Gunn317, I am so glad you posted the original thread!