Remember Miniseries?



In the decline of network television it seems that miniseries was one of the things to disappear to never be seen again. I was a kid in the 80's and actually remember some of the more adult oriented miniseries quite fondly. Ones I remember liking were Marco Polo, Chiefs, North and South and later Roots.
There still are miniseries, but just not called that. Shows like '24' which are just one long plot over several weeks.


Well-Known Member
There still are miniseries, but just not called that. Shows like '24' which are just one long plot over several weeks.

*That*. It's the case for a lot of new shows now - The Following, Crisis - they're just one whole season long story. 24 was billed that way.

But I guess - I did like the "V" miniseries, and Roots.


There still are miniseries, but just not called that. Shows like '24' which are just one long plot over several weeks.

Mini = 6-8 hrs total

They were grander in scope, on the order of a made for TV movie.


Did you ever read the book? It's soooo good!

No, sounds like I will have to now.

I watched it in its entirety back in the mid 90's some time when I was at college in the summer with only one class and a 20 hr/week job to keep me occupied. Same with North and South.