Remember September 11th?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hey Spoiled - did you know there was a kid on the top of the WTC and he got his picture taken JUST before the plane hit? And the camera survived and rescue workers developed the pictures! It was chilling, I tell ya.



Set Trippin
vraiblonde said:
Hey Spoiled - did you know there was a kid on the top of the WTC and he got his picture taken JUST before the plane hit? And the camera survived and rescue workers developed the pictures! It was chilling, I tell ya.

I saw a pic of the same guy on the Titanic and in Hiroshima... I hope I am never on vacation within a thousand miles of that unlucky bastad...:lmao:


Set Trippin
Notice the photo is called ..."missing" :roflmao:

I used to have a link to a website with this bozo in all kinds of pix, but I can't find it...:ohwell:
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Football season!
I remember watching the news that morning and a couple of "eye witness" accounts described a small plane that hit. Then they showed the impact site and knew there was no way a little cessna was going to cause that kind of damage. I guess with something that low and moving that fast, your eyes may play tricks on you


staring into the abyss
Yet another conspiracy theorist's guide to 9/11.

Some points:
1- A 3MB file? Sure, if CNN is hosting it. You're not going to reach other members of the tinfoil hat brigade at the bandwidht your server has.
2- A Hitler voiceover? Juuuuust a bit much.
3- Your first picture (with the red box) isn't big enough. You might want to check your facts. Snopes has a real shot of the damage:
4- The "cable spools" certainly look damaged to me.
5- Those aren't glass windows, they're reinforced, shatter-proof windows.
6- "People Heard" and "People Said" is a nice way to describe the event in metaphor, given that none of those people had been involved in a plane crash before. The fact that Scott whoever described the aircraft incorrectly as it flew by at 300 mph tells us what, exactly?
7- It looked like a small hole, I suppose, because three stories of building collapsed on top of it within the first half hour. That might tell you something.
8- "I could smell cordite". First, you don't use cordite in missiles. Just thought I'd throw that in. And who is this Don Perkal? Well, actually, you can read about his survival story at which describes a plane crash. He says, "An attorney I've known for fifteen years was killed instantly when the plane went into the building." wow, not when they blew up the building or hit it with a missile... odd that.
9- "Where did the plane go" Yes, tell us. Where did the plane go? The offical report says the plane was destroyed in a crash at the pentagon. There's debris all over the place (see the above Snopes link) and 60 missing people. If a missile hit the pentagon, we're missing a multimillion dollar aircraft and 60 people.

I commend you for your oh-so careful rehashing (or hosting a rehashed version) of virolent anti-American Thierry Meyssan's book. Nice soundtrack, good visuals. Now if only your facts were correct.

I hate this kind of nonsense BS.


vraiblonde said:
Think that SamSpade and Christy's dads were in on it because they "claim" :really: to have been standing there when it happened and actually saw the plane.

One of my friends was working there at the time. Ran the photolab for the pentagon. He was standing on the other side of a wall where the plane came in. He survived. :yikes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
tirdun said:
I hate this kind of nonsense BS.
See, and I find it wildly entertaining! :lol:

On a more somber note, our neighbor is a Montgomery County fire and rescue guy and he spent a week at the Pentagon with the emergency teams after 9-11. He said it was so bad that when you arrived on site, you just kind of stood there with your mouth open for a minute, shocked.


Call me a conspiracy theorist but.... Did you guys hear about the thousand sick people in the resort in Ohio? 3 different biological viruses all infecting hundreds at the same time. Sounds like a United States Gov. test to me.... But I belive in UFO's :killingme


Active Member
vraiblonde said:
Hey Spoiled - did you know there was a kid on the top of the WTC and he got his picture taken JUST before the plane hit? And the camera survived and rescue workers developed the pictures! It was chilling, I tell ya.

I post on the message board that picture originated on ...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Christy said:
Yes, but it is possible that the CIA nabbed my dad a pulled a Clockwork Orange on him.
Hmmm...I never thought of that. Does he seem you since 9-11?
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Asperger's Poster Child
Fascinating theory...

Was 9/11 Supposed to Be 9/18?

Had Mohamed Atta and his conspirators struck on Sept. 18, a large percentage of Jewish employees who would normally have been present in the World Trade Center buildings would likely have been absent in observance of Rosh Hashanah...

In retrospect, these spurious accounts may have been an integral part of the plan devised by Osama bin Laden: a clever psychological warfare effort that was intended to create resentment toward Israel and Jews in America...

So if the plan had been to strike on Sept. 18, why was the date changed and this important political objective lost? The most likely answer may be that the FBI's detention and interrogation of Zacarias Moussaoui in mid-August of 2001 triggered concern that Moussaoui would reveal something about the plot and the entire operation would be compromised...

The answer may be that, with time running out, Atta likely made a decision on his own. He accelerated the attack date to Sept. 11 and thus rendered obsolete a psychological warfare plan premised on a Sept. 18 attack. But as I have witnessed in other disinformation campaigns, these bogus stories are often put in the hands of agents well in advance of events and, therefore, cannot be easily modified at the last moment.


b*tch rocket
vraiblonde said:
Hmmm...I never thought of that. Does he seem you since 9-11?

Well now that you mention it.... :twitch: Nah, he's always been a bit "different". :lmao:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my dad was there at the Pentagon annex. First reaction was, isn't that plane flying a little LOW? Others observed that it sure looked like it would hit the GROUND first, before anything else.

My sister also knew a woman who was on the plane.

I had a LONG debate with a guy online who is really into this, and also believes the WTC was blown up on purpose, and that it collapsed so neatly because it had demolition charges already in place. For some reason they base this on the fact that it fell faster than a solid object would normally fall from that height, and that a nearby WTC building also collapsed neatly for no visible reason.

What I love about these conspiracy theories is they never have the slightest bit of proof - because it's a conspiracy - and they never have logical motives, except for mustache twirling evil persons in the White House giggling with glee - and they overlook the mounds of evidence that exist otherwise.

I'm a big believer in Occam's Razor, usually summarized as "the simplest answer is usually the right one".

Making an airliner disappear with 60 people, just so a missile could be fired at the Pentagon not only makes NO sense, it rivals any magic trick David Copperfield has tried.


staring into the abyss
> For some reason they base this on the fact that it fell faster than a solid
> object would normally fall from that height

Uh, don't all objects fall at the same rate, minus affects of wind resistance? Does the 9/11 conspiracy extend into gravity!?! Those fiends! :killingme


Well-Known Member
No, they're suggesting that since everything DOES fall at the same rate, something must have DRIVEN it downward, to accelerate the fall, since a collapsing building would have to fall from the bottom down in order to come close to the speed of a normal falling object - the rationale being that a building collapsing from debris falling through the floors would be impeded slightly by each floor on the way down.


staring into the abyss
SamSpade said:
something must have DRIVEN it downward, to accelerate the fall

Ok... I understand, but I don't understand. What could drive tons of concrete and steel downward? I assume that they're saying that the buildings were destroyed from inside, and that the lack of structural support is the reason for the speed of the debris? In other words, a semi-solid building should have supported the collapse more, hence a slower collapse?

That's the "demolition" theory. I suppose. I don't buy it by a mile, but there you are. The other theory I've seen argues that the aircraft weren't the aircraft we thought they were I guess you can't really argue "no plane" given videotape :duh: on the WTC.

The tendency for these conspiracies to follow the false dichotomy (not x thus y) fallacy is maddening. The argument goes that if you can find some apparent flaw in theory x (the WTC was hit by passenger planes and collpased due to that alone) then theory y must be correct (whatever Y is). This is untrue, because any minor variation of X might be true, or any theory A, B, C, D, etc might be true, or a variation of any of them might be true.