Remember the Swiftvets


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Last night on O'Reilly, they said that more Americans remember Clinton for Monica than anything else. Now that is something to have your Presidency remembered for, a hooter in the oval office.


Asperger's Poster Child
2ndAmendment said:
Last night on O'Reilly, they said that more Americans remember Clinton for Monica than anything else. Now that is something to have your Presidency remembered for, a hooter in the oval office.
:lol: I consider that a form of Presidential bad karma. I think his ultimate punishment will be going down in history as a joke.

I read the Newsmax article and had never before heard of Dolly Kyle Browning.


Dancing Up A Storm
Voter2002 said:
:twitch: I wonder if they handed out cigars at the opening??????
The ironic thing is that Clinton did accomplish some worthwhile deeds during his time in ofice for 8 years; I just can't think of any.

To me, he'll always be remembered for lying to us on the TV that night, pointing his finger towards the camera, and declaring, "I never had sex with that woman!"

His legacy was further tarnished, I think, with the eleventh-hour pardoning of some very shady individuals.

Mark Rich, to name just one.

It's now alleged that his wife contributed a large amount of money which supposedly went into the building of his library.

A controversial library built on dirty money is the claim.