Rent a Hospital Bed


..if momma ain't happy...
I'm looking to rent a hospital bed. Hubby took a 14 ft fall and broke his hip. Any info would be greatly appreciated. TIA :ohwell:


Happy Camper
I'm looking to rent a hospital bed. Hubby took a 14 ft fall and broke his hip. Any info would be greatly appreciated. TIA :ohwell:

:yikes: Wow! That's quite a fall. Hope he has a smooth recovery. You might check with the Lion's Club about beds. Another place to check would be the hospital that he is/was in. They should have a patient advocate that can give you some pointers. Good luck!!


I am so very blessed
Call "A Community That Shares" (ACTS) at 301-769-4199. They have wheelchairs, walkers, hospital beds, etc that they lend out for as long as the person needs them. Check to see what they have available.

This is a great organization!


..if momma ain't happy...
Thanks everyone!

I've called ACTS and left a message.

He came home yesterday (fell Sat 2 AM) and the regular twin bed we've set up downstairs is just not cutting it.


Throwing the deuces
Thanks everyone!

I've called ACTS and left a message.

He came home yesterday (fell Sat 2 AM) and the regular twin bed we've set up downstairs is just not cutting it.

WTH was he doing 14ft high at 2am?? I sure hope he feels better soon. :huggy: to both of you.