Rentals in Leonardtown/7D


7D Girl
I went apartment hunting this weekend and saw a few places that looked decent. Does anyone know anything about the Greenview townhouses off of Chancellor's Run? Their proximity to Great Mills Road is somewhat worrisome.

While many of the apartment/townhouse complexes are nice, I didn't see any in Leonardtown or the 7th District area. Does anyone know of any rentals -- including small houses or condos -- in those areas? (And yes, I've checked the classifieds section on here already.)

Any help is appreciated. Thanks! :yay:

P.S.: I am looking for a 1 or 2 bedroom place.


New Member
Since you mentioned you looked off of Chancellor's I will tell you we sold our house back in Oct and moved into the new apt's they built off of Willow's Road. Abberly Crest and we LOVE it here! The people in the office are GREAT and the place is nice too! I know it is not Leonardtown but it is really nice here.


7D Girl
Yeah, we hope to tour one of the apartments there, too. We heard there's a waiting list, but it'd be great to get in there. It's really close to both of our offices! :razz: