Another Democrat wants in on the $cam. NYP exposes it:
Democrats suck. And yet black people continue to vote for them.

Hochul’s new reparations commission is a divisive lefty pipe dream
In short, the most powerful people in the state. All of them black. There to watch the governor sign a bill to study how disenfranchised black people are in New York.

Yet this committee is bound to come up with some astronomical number to compensate for historical racism, which will infuriate white residents who don’t agree with collective punishment for actions they were not a part of — not to mention other ethnic groups that have their own grievances.
And then, just as in California, the governor will be forced to admit that New York can’t afford to spend billions in reparations, which will embitter black residents who were falsely promised a payout.
So congratulations, Gov — you’ve set back race relations for no good reason except a political stunt.
Democrats suck. And yet black people continue to vote for them.