We've been told he does have ADHD, but he has to learn to deal with getting assignments done (for school now and for life later) regardless of whether or not he has ADHD. Sure, that may make it more difficult for him, but it doesn't excuse him from it. We've tried to do the teacher sign-off thing, but the teachers don't want to do it. He has a planner, and his mom helps him organize that and his backpack every night. Nothing has worked so far. He just doesn't bring home his assigned work and tells us he has no homework. We don't have a way to verify what he tells us. He gets upset and "hates us" for restricting him from playstation, etc., but nothing changes.
I'm sure he is not fully challenged based on the level of the work they give kids in elementary schools today. He is learning in 8th grade things that I remember learning in about 4th. I guess they have to gear the class to the "least advanced" class member. But to me, this makes it even worse because he could easily get the classwork/homework done. They even give them time at the end of class to do the homework so they don't have to do it at home. I believe the bottom line is that he just doesn't feel like doing it, so he doesn't. That is unsat.
I'm sure (I hope, at least) high school will be much more challenging and require more organizational skills and study habits and I don't think he's going to be able to handle it if he can't pass easy 8th grade. It's not a learning issue, because I know he could make A's and B's if he applied himself. We don't even tell him he has to make A's and B's, just pass. In my view, repeating 8th because he wouldn't put out the required effort would be better than going on to 9th and failing because he isn't prepared and gets left behind.
Repeating the 8th grade may not even be enough of a "wake-up call" to make him start to pay attention and apply himself, but I just feel like letting him slide through isn't the right thing for him. Sorry for the long post.