Vince said:
To the moron with the open bed pickup on Rousby Hall Rd. If you're going to take your trash to the dump, take it to the dump. Don't just let it fly all over the road. I hate litter bugs.
I saw this happen on Rt 4 south about 2 miles north of the dump on Saturday. A pick up truck in front of me lost a large black bag. Most of the cars, including me swerved to avoid it but a car behind us ran right into it. There was trash flying everywhere.
We never used to see this where I used to live but then again we had residential trash pick up. They ain't got no county run trash pick up in these here parts.
I know things are not likely to change. Most Calvert County residents like it the way it is but if you do the math and give it some thought, what makes more sense. We are paying around $90 a year for the inadequate dumpster sites. What's another $200 to never have to put another bag of stinky trash in your car and for some of us waste a Saturday or Sunday bagging, driving, waiting in line, etc.
Intentioal litterers are another story. There is no excuse to throw your trash out the windows. Report their tags on this site and maybe some of them will hear about it.