REPORT: One UK Homicide Bomber Was Recent GITMO Release


Well-Known Member

REPORT: One UK Homicide Bomber Was Recent GITMO Release
7 July 2005; 12:54 ET: Preliminary reports from a source inside the Pentagon indicate that one of the operatives involved in this morning's bombings in London was recently released from the prison at Guantanamo. DEVELOPING


I bowl overhand
Danzig said:

REPORT: One UK Homicide Bomber Was Recent GITMO Release
7 July 2005; 12:54 ET: Preliminary reports from a source inside the Pentagon indicate that one of the operatives involved in this morning's bombings in London was recently released from the prison at Guantanamo. DEVELOPING
But if we released ALL of them, they'd stop the bombing I'm sure!! :sarcasm: (just for those that don't know me well enough to determine :sarcasm: by itself..)


That link also has a report about odd financial activity before the bombing. Once again... we should have not been so quick to denounce the DARPA plan for having a futures board for "wagering" on when/where the next terror attack will occur. Theology and fanaticism are what they are, but money will always be money, and no terrorist wants their bankbook taking a hit.


Skinny people need MORE
Danzig said:

REPORT: One UK Homicide Bomber Was Recent GITMO Release
7 July 2005; 12:54 ET: Preliminary reports from a source inside the Pentagon indicate that one of the operatives involved in this morning's bombings in London was recently released from the prison at Guantanamo. DEVELOPING

Such a reliable source :rolleyes:


This Space for Rent
Mikeinsmd said:
I thought the bombs were all preplanted boxes, not suicide bombers.... :confused

It says homicide bomber, not suicide. Of course, aren't all bombers really homicide bombers. :lol:


New Member
FromTexas said:
It says homicide bomber, not suicide. Of course, aren't all bombers really homicide bombers. :lol:
What I was saying is that there were no suicide/homicide bombers at all.....

From CNN
The train bombs were likely placed on the floors of carriages, Deputy Police Commissioner Andy Hayman said. Police are not sure if the bus bomb was placed on the floor or a seat.

"Initially, the forensic investigation suggests that each device used had less than 10 pounds (4.5 kg) of high explosives," Hayman said.


Super Genius
I think Fox News confused everything by no longer using the term "suicide bomber" and using "homicide bomber" instead. I'm with FT...all bombers are homicide bombers (or want to be). "Suicide bomber" is the correct term to use for people who blow themselves up as a way to distinguish their particular brand of stupidity.


This Space for Rent
Mikeinsmd said:
:lol: Ok, ok.... I was confused. I was thinking someone strapped bombs to themselves. Now I understand. :stupid:

Don't worry. The first time I read it, I was like WTF... till I realized it said homicide.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The art of not getting 'it'...

...a friend posed this as to whether or not we, the West, get what we deserve in terms of London, NYC et al.

Murderer: "Hi, I'm a murderer and I'm going to kill you."

Concerned citizen: "Oh my. Tell me what you don't like about me and I'll try to change it!".

Murderer: "Stab...stab...stab..."

CC (bleeding to death): "Why did you do THAT???"

M: "I told you, I am a murderer."

Now, fight or flight?

(PS: If you run, they'll kill you when they see you's what they do)

Thus, what is a person or person(s) who makes violence on vulnerable, un-armed citizens?

A. A murderer

B. Someone we need to change ourselves for so that when they kill us we've at least...changed.

(Hint: Murderers and other criminals spend little time attacking the cops)

Second hint: A


I think it's getting to the point where it is time to start declaring war on Islam and Islamic countries. We were discussing this last night, and we agreed that we didn't go to war with the German or Japanese people during WWII, we went to war with the Nazi Party and the Japanese Imperial War Council, which were in Germany and Japan. To rid the World of these menaces we needed to slaughter a whole lot of civilians who likely didn't harbor any animosity towards us, nor had any support for the Nazis or the Japanese war mongers. The fact that they died was a result of their country supporting the wrong leadership.

So, I'm thinking the time is coming when we need to recognize an Islamic "nation" is bent on attacking the West with just as much gusto as the Soviet Bloc wanted to, and fight a real war against them.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And there you have it...

Time after time a talking head will waltz out after a beheading or bombing in the name of Allah and say something like 'this is not true Islam! True Islam, true Muslims are of peace, of tolerance..."

Same thing. Most Germans and Japanese were not homicidal maniacs either and are fantastic world citizens today. It's just that their forefathers couldn't shake the madness that grew among them.

We had to do it.


Let's show them exactly why we don't want our enemies getting nuclear weapons. I would say a couple of warheads apiece on Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan should do it. And then we can tell the IDF that we have no qualms if they move in and kill anyone associated with the PLO.


New Member
Bruzilla said:
Let's show them exactly why we don't want our enemies getting nuclear weapons. I would say a couple of warheads apiece on Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan should do it. And then we can tell the IDF that we have no qualms if they move in and kill anyone associated with the PLO.
I thought I was the only one who thought like this!! :cheers: :patriot: :high5: :thewave: :clap: :dude: :alkies: