Report Your Local Crackhouse---


Has confinement issues..
No, I think he has a good point. Let's let him tell us what hood he's in so the crack heads on here can steal his laptop and sell it for some crack:lol:


Why do people go to a house to smoke crack? I don't get it!


Pandora said:
What do you suggest, that they sit on the floor at Wal Mart and do it? :confused:
No but what is wrong with their car or their own house? Seriously?


New Member
Kain99 said:
No but what is wrong with their car or their own house? Seriously?

You can do crack in a car, in a bar, on a float, on a boat, on a train, on a plane...

There is less of a chance of getting caught in a house and if they go to their house and do their own crack, what fun would that be? You invite people over for a party when you have crack, or so I've heard.


Pandora said:
You can do crack in a car, in a bar, on a float, on a boat, on a train, on a plane...

There is less of a chance of getting caught in a house and if they go to their house and do their own crack, what fun would that be? You invite people over for a party when you have crack, or so I've heard.
Ahhhh! :lmao:


Well-Known Member
Pandora said:
You can do crack in a car, in a bar, on a float, on a boat, on a train, on a plane...

There is less of a chance of getting caught in a house and if they go to their house and do their own crack, what fun would that be? You invite people over for a party when you have crack, or so I've heard.
Only the desperate ones smoke in cars, boats, crack houses (where someone is usually selling it as well) etc. or those who have no other place to go. After any length of time smoking crack or meth, it almost always becomes a solitary thing, paranoia is pretty intense for most.
IMHO-addictons to drugs are natures way of saying you make too much money (or steal it).