Republican shenanigans


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Here ya go, Sparx - red meat:

I get this survey in the mail from the National Republican Senatorial Committee. It says that I MUST complete and return the survey or - I dunno - they'll take away my birthday or something. But the enclosed letter stated several times that I was chosen out of a select group (?) and would be representing the opinions of my fellow Republicans. Of course they want me to pony up a campaign contribution as well. :duh:

So I figure, what the heck, and I complete the survey. At the end I must choose one of three options:

  • YES! I want to help defend our Republican Senate Majority and am enclosing my contribution.
  • NO - I do not wish to participate in the survey but here's some money.
  • NO - I do not wish to participate in the survey nor do I wish to give you money. I am enclosing $11 to cover the cost of tabulating and redistributing my survey.

WTF?? The tards either want my opinion or they don't - I shouldn't have to cough up to get them to listen to me. I ALREADY HELPED VOTE BUSH'S AZZ INTO OFFICE!!!! Anyway, I just thought it was cheap and low-class. :cussing:


Asperger's Poster Child
OMG! Partisans criticizing their own party? I'm expecting Sparx and Dems to start calling Clinton an amoral womanizer. And then, who knows what will happen? Dogs living with cats in harmony? Bin Laden eating pork rinds and watching Girls Gone Wild? Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson flying to Toronto to get married?

Just a joke...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
Just a joke...
Jokes are funny, that wasn't funny, therefore it wasn't a joke.

I'm not a partisan by any stretch - I criticize Bush all the time. I just take him to task over REAL things, not silly made-up AWOL stories. :razz:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
I just throw that stuff in the trash. They're not actually going to read them. It's like a birthday card where you just pull out the check. :roflmao:


Originally posted by sleuth14
Just hit YES and enclose your contribution of $0.00. :biggrin:
If she did that I bet the RNC would hound her like the paperboy in that movie.

"Were is my $11.................where is my $11


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Wasn't there a movie line that went something like, "I declare shenanigans!" ?


Originally posted by Tonio
OMG! Partisans criticizing their own party? I'm expecting Sparx and Dems to start calling Clinton an amoral womanizer. And then, who knows what will happen? Dogs living with cats in harmony? Bin Laden eating pork rinds and watching Girls Gone Wild? Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson flying to Toronto to get married?

Just a joke...

Clinton was amoral womanizer...:frown:



Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I'm not a partisan by any stretch - I criticize Bush all the time. I just take him to task over REAL things, not silly made-up AWOL stories. :razz:

Maybe a better comparison would be a partisan's willingness to praise something that his or her opponents did.

What gets me is when partisans claim that the facts absolutely prove that 9/11 was Bush's fault or Clinton's fault. I don't think there is an absolute truth in matters like that. More than 3,000 people lost their lives that day, and all partisans seem to worry about is who gets the blame. Isn't anyone saddened by that lack of priorities? And before anyone asks, I've seen examples of that blame game from both Democrats and Republicans, elected officials as well as unelected pundits. The worst examples are by the members of the 9/11 commission, because it's their job not to act on their own biases.


Originally posted by Tonio
Maybe a better comparison would be a partisan's willingness to praise something that his or her opponents did.

What gets me is when partisans claim that the facts absolutely prove that 9/11 was Bush's fault or Clinton's fault. I don't think there is an absolute truth in matters like that. More than 3,000 people lost their lives that day, and all partisans seem to worry about is who gets the blame. Isn't anyone saddened by that lack of priorities? And before anyone asks, I've seen examples of that blame game from both Democrats and Republicans, elected officials as well as unelected pundits. The worst examples are by the members of the 9/11 commission, because it's their job not to act on their own biases.

I agree, it was errors on both sides and pointing the finger is not going to bring back those lives lost that terrible day. My question Tonio is -- why did it take this long to start an investigation? Was it because people hadn't finished writing their books yet? :confused:


Originally posted by Tonio
I don't think there is an absolute truth in matters like that. More than 3,000 people lost their lives that day, and all partisans seem to worry about is who gets the blame.

There is an absolute truth, and it seems to be something that both Republicans and Democrats have forgotten entirely.

There is someone to blame.

The terrorists.

If they would put as much effort into finding Bin Laden and other terrorists, as they are into finding a scape goat in this internal witch-hunt, there would be no more terrorists.


Originally posted by dems4me
Was it because people hadn't finished writing their books yet? :confused:

Maybe it's because until election year came along, both sides were reluctantly sort of kinda working together.

Of course 2004 came along, they all smell blood in the water, and are self-destructing.


Originally posted by Toxick
There is an absolute truth, and it seems to be something that both Republicans and Democrats have forgotten entirely.

There is someone to blame.

The terrorists.

If they would put as much effort into finding Bin Laden and other terrorists, as they are into finding a scape goat in this internal witch-hunt, there would be no more terrorists.

Are you kiding and actually give the terrorists credit??? How ludicrious would that be!! :lol:


Originally posted by Toxick

I'd like to give them an anthrax enema.

speaking of anthrax... did they ever find the anthrax killer?:confused:


Originally posted by dems4me
speaking of anthrax... did they ever find the anthrax killer?:confused:

Don't think so.

If they did, they didn't make a big deal about it, and I never heard about it.


Originally posted by Toxick
Don't think so.

If they did, they didn't make a big deal about it, and I never heard about it.

Well the way the CIA or FBI whatever, were soo off on their description of the snippers and what we (the society) should be looking for is probably the case here :shrug:


Anthrax Killer

Last year, they arrested a scientist from Frederick, but he was cleared on all charges. They also drained a pond in which they thought there was some equipment for making the 'thrax spores, nothing ever connected, I don't think.