Republicans Rush In


Habari Na Mijeldi
Richard Cohen - Republicans Rush In -

One of the great sights of American political life -- a YouTube moment if ever there was one -- was to see the doughboy face of Newt Gingrich as he extolled the virtues of Sarah Palin, a sitcom of a vice presidential choice and a disaster movie if she moves up to the presidency: "She's the first journalist ever to be nominated, I think, for the president or vice president, and she was a sportscaster on local television," Gingrich said on the "Today" show. "So she has a lot of interesting background. And she has a lot of experience. Remember that, when people worry about how inexperienced she is, for two years she's been in charge of the Alaska National Guard."

It's a pity Gingrich was not around when the Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, better known by his nickname Caligula, reputedly named Incitatus as a consul and a priest. Incitatus was his horse.

John McCain's selection of Palin, which I first viewed with horror, could now be seen in a different light. Based on various television interviews over the Labor Day weekend -- and a careful reading of the transcripts -- it is possible that this is McCain's attempt to make fools of his fellow Republicans. He has succeeded beyond all expectations.


Richard Cohen - Republicans Rush In -

One of the great sights of American political life -- a YouTube moment if ever there was one -- was to see the doughboy face of Newt Gingrich as he extolled the virtues of Sarah Palin, a sitcom of a vice presidential choice and a disaster movie if she moves up to the presidency: "She's the first journalist ever to be nominated, I think, for the president or vice president, and she was a sportscaster on local television," Gingrich said on the "Today" show. "So she has a lot of interesting background. And she has a lot of experience. Remember that, when people worry about how inexperienced she is, for two years she's been in charge of the Alaska National Guard."

It's a pity Gingrich was not around when the Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, better known by his nickname Caligula, reputedly named Incitatus as a consul and a priest. Incitatus was his horse.

John McCain's selection of Palin, which I first viewed with horror, could now be seen in a different light. Based on various television interviews over the Labor Day weekend -- and a careful reading of the transcripts -- it is possible that this is McCain's attempt to make fools of his fellow Republicans. He has succeeded beyond all expectations.


The Oyster Guy

New Member
No question about it, the Palin selection is quickly turning into a debacle. She's an untested newcomer to national politics, and the wheels are already falling-off from the scrutiny.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm sorry!

Richard Cohen - Republicans Rush In -

One of the great sights of American political life -- a YouTube moment if ever there was one -- was to see the doughboy face of Newt Gingrich as he extolled the virtues of Sarah Palin, a sitcom of a vice presidential choice and a disaster movie if she moves up to the presidency: "She's the first journalist ever to be nominated, I think, for the president or vice president, and she was a sportscaster on local television," Gingrich said on the "Today" show. "So she has a lot of interesting background. And she has a lot of experience. Remember that, when people worry about how inexperienced she is, for two years she's been in charge of the Alaska National Guard."

It's a pity Gingrich was not around when the Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, better known by his nickname Caligula, reputedly named Incitatus as a consul and a priest. Incitatus was his horse.

John McCain's selection of Palin, which I first viewed with horror, could now be seen in a different light. Based on various television interviews over the Labor Day weekend -- and a careful reading of the transcripts -- it is possible that this is McCain's attempt to make fools of his fellow Republicans. He has succeeded beyond all expectations.

...I started another thread about this. I'm with you; it's really worth taking in.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You people are going to be really sorry you did this. But hey, you can always whine and cry about stolen elections when you make McCain President.

My vote will now not be *for* John McCain. Nor will it be *against* Barack Obama. My vote will be AGAINST all you mean-spirited nasty Democrats who don't know how to act in a civilized fashion. It's going to give me a lot of pleasure to see your candidate go down in flames.

The Oyster Guy

New Member
Does that mean you're against change?

I'm merely pointing out that when you toss a novice into the fires of national politics, you're taking a big risk. It's true that both Palin and Obama are newcomers to the national scene, but the difference is that Obama has so far withstood the flamethrowers of his opponents, while it appears Palin's candidacy may just spontaneously combust...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I'm merely pointing out that when you toss a novice into the fires of national politics, you're taking a big risk. It's true that both Palin and Obama are newcomers to the national scene, but the difference is that Obama has so far withstood the flamethrowers of his opponents, while it appears Palin's candidacy may just spontaneously combust on it's own.

Hate to break it to you, but Obama did not qualify to earn his party's nomination. He came up short and he was selected, not elected.

You can look it up.


I deeply appreciate your concern for Sarah. However, in case you haven't noticed, we've all fallen in love with her and will be more than enough, I think, to see her through the trials and tribulations that lay ahead.


'95 ZX6R
Palin has a lot more experience than the golden child B.O.

Its a thing of beauty, everything the dems would love to put down palin on (lack of experience, 17 year odl daughter pregnant) can instantly go back to Obama (less experience, his mother was one of those under age single pregnant girls)

before pointing out the speck in your neighbors eye you may want to remove the plank from your own.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I'm merely pointing out that when you toss a novice into the fires of national politics, you're taking a big risk. It's true that both Palin and Obama are newcomers to the national scene, but the difference is that Obama has so far withstood the flamethrowers of his opponents, while it appears Palin's candidacy may just spontaneously combust...

The MSM refuse to look into and expose the Rezko connection and Bill Ayres. If a news outlet were to expose these things then they would be accused of being racist, but the best they can throw back are attacks about the pregnancy of the Veep's 17 yo daughter. I still fail to see how this pregnancy is going to affect should McCain be elected.

If Palin's candidacy does combust then it will be at the hands of the liberal left and their cronies @ MSNBC, ABC, NYT et. al.

The Oyster Guy

New Member
You people are going to be really sorry you did this. But hey, you can always whine and cry about stolen elections when you make McCain President.

My vote will now not be *for* John McCain. Nor will it be *against* Barack Obama. My vote will be AGAINST all you mean-spirited nasty Democrats who don't know how to act in a civilized fashion. It's going to give me a lot of pleasure to see your candidate go down in flames.

Jeeze, talk about your kneejerk partisans... :lmao:

I vote for whatever candidate I think is best for the job, rather than my personal animosity for group X.

The Oyster Guy

New Member
Hate to break it to you, but Obama did not qualify to earn his party's nomination. He came up short and he was selected, not elected.

Selected, elected - whatever you choose to call it, the fact remains that Obama went through the established process and came out the other side as the victor. Palin hasn't had to face that level of scrutiny until this moment, and it should come as no surprise that it's turning into a trial by fire.

It didn't have to be that way, as McCain had plenty of other choices that were better experienced - but he took a risky gamble that seems unlikely to pay off.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Selected, elected - whatever you choose to call it, the fact remains that Obama went through the established process and came out the other side as the victor. Palin hasn't had to face that level of scrutiny until this moment, and it should come as no surprise that it's turning into a trial by fire.

It didn't have to be that way, as McCain had plenty of other choices that were better experienced - but he took a risky gamble that seems unlikely to pay off.

...miss the point. Obama's side is STILL fighting that battle. His side STILL is divided on him. There is still the argument that 1/2 the Democratic party wants him to lose so she can run again in 4 years. They had a chance to select a woman and passed.

On our side, we're electrified. You're trying to tell us we shouldn't like the book as we pour through it page after page after page. We're not battling over Romney or Huck or Pawlenty or anyone else over her. We LOVE the pick. Nearly unanimously.

Now, either you understand that, as I think the media and lefties out there do, thus the rage, based on fear that this means McCain wins or you're not really paying attention.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Jeeze, talk about your kneejerk partisans... :lmao:

I vote for whatever candidate I think is best for the job, rather than my personal animosity for group X.

Then why don't you see the obvious; Palin is a GREAT pick!

tax cutter
waster fighter
pro drilling
hockey mom
nice family
NOT a lawyer
NOT a DC creature.

My, God, she's fabulous. We all want McCain to retire on January 21st. !!!

The Oyster Guy

New Member
Then why don't you see the obvious; Palin is a GREAT pick!

tax cutter
waster fighter
pro drilling
hockey mom
nice family
NOT a lawyer
NOT a DC creature.

My, God, she's fabulous. We all want McCain to retire on January 21st. !!!

Now that makes perfect sense: finding reasons why you actually *support* a particular candidate, as opposed to just voting for "the enemy of my enemy", which is kinda like cutting-off your nose to spite your face.


the difference is that Obama has so far withstood the flamethrowers of his opponents, while it appears Palin's candidacy may just spontaneously combust...

For real though!

I saw her nervous breakdown on TV before I came to work this morning. She is totally not handling this well at all. Look how flabbergasted and shook up she has been since this came out.

Wait till the press starts playing hard-ball.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I wrote...

Now that makes perfect sense: finding reasons why you actually *support* a particular candidate, as opposed to just voting for "the enemy of my enemy", which is kinda like cutting-off your nose to spite your face.

...all of that about 10 minutes after her introduction last week.


Then why don't you see the obvious; Palin is a GREAT pick!

tax cutter
waster fighter
pro drilling
hockey mom
nice family
NOT a lawyer
NOT a DC creature.

My, God, she's fabulous. We all want McCain to retire on January 21st. !!!
I was on the fence between McCain and whoever else until the VP pick. :yay: Checked her political views out and....... :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I vote for whatever candidate I think is best for the job, rather than my personal animosity for group X.

Me too. And anyone you think is the best person for the job is obviously a freak. Conversely, anyone you hate has obviously got to be the REAL best person for the job.

So thanks for helping me decide who to vote for. :yay:


Lovin' being Texican
Wait, wait....

Selected, elected - whatever you choose to call it, the fact remains that Obama went through the established process and came out the other side as the victor.'re saying the only way someone can be tapped to be VICE Presidential nominee is to win the party's primary process? That's even beyond stupid into the realm of "where the he!! are we?"