Researchers worry chimpanzee-killing bacterium could jump to humans next


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The illness has a 100% fatality rate in the Sierra Leone chimps

The disease causes both gastrointestinal and neurological symptoms that are "not subtle," lead researcher Tony Goldberg told Science.

"The chimpanzees would stagger and stumble, vomit, and have diarrhea," he said. "Sometimes they’d go to bed healthy and be dead in the morning."

After several years spent screening DNA and samples from the primates, Goldberg's graduate student Leah A. Owens isolated a bacterium that was in 68% of the samples from sick chimpanzees.

While ENGS has not infected any humans -- the Sarcina genus had found only 44 cases of human infection -- humans and chimpanzees share about 99% of their genomes, including gut bacteria.

Being much more primitive, sub-human, life forms, Democrats might have more to worry from this bug.