Because I am a fair and balanced person, I do not take the author's word for it when they describe some heinous act by their political adversaries. And, because of the internet, I don't have to - I can actually find the bit for myself and read the whole thing in context.
I'm currently reading Tammy Bruce's The New American Revolution, which is a very good book btw, and she made mention of this little bit of vulgarity that I ran down because I thought surely she was exaggerating:
I'm currently reading Tammy Bruce's The New American Revolution, which is a very good book btw, and she made mention of this little bit of vulgarity that I ran down because I thought surely she was exaggerating:
Feminist Calendar - Event Description
Send Bush a tampon to protest war in Iraq!
Date: 3/30/2003 Time: all week Event Type: Actions/Events
Description: Against the war in Iraq? Send Bush a tampon!
On March 15th, women all over the country are going to send President Bush a tampon that has been dyed red (with paint, food coloring, marker- anything but actual blood- that would be a biohazard…) along with the message: “You want blood? Have some blood.
Women against the war. By sending these tampons we are saying that just as we won’t be silent about our bodies, we won’t be silent about our opposition to this war. Silence is compliance. Silence is undemocratic. We make a connection between our own blood shed for life and the blood our symbolic enemies shed in death. We say not by our blood, not in the name of the American people.” Get your friends together for a tampon staining party for peace. Mail your tampons around March 15th so that President Bush will see the heavy flow of the anti-war sentiment! There will be a second cycle on March 30th, let people know about it! Questions?
Mail tampons to: The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20500
during the week of March 15th and March 30th.