Residents beat man accused of showing porn


Dancing Up A Storm
Maybe he'll think twice before pulling that stunt again!

How and when does one decide that it would be "neato" to go to a playground and show little kids pornographic material?


New Member
:lol: Those kids were probably more stunned and shocked at the beating that the dude took rather than the pictures they saw.

:yay: Nothing like a good ol American Azz-whoopin'.


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
Ponytail said:
:lol: Those kids were probably more stunned and shocked at the beating that the dude took rather than the pictures they saw.

:yay: Nothing like a good ol American Azz-whoopin'.

Perhaps, i just want to know why more communities dont come together to beat a$$. Of course, look who got arrested - it wasnt the parents who beat the freak. dont get me wrong, I am not saying we should go pull every sex offender out of their homes and kick their tails - accusing them of looking at their own children but I do think that communities should have a say as to whether or not a sex offender is allowed to move into their neighborhood.

From what i can tell, you cannot discriminate against a person when it comes to them buying a home - regardless of your objective reasoning. Perhaps this is a good thing in regards to sexual orientation or race...but what about fear of possible child predation?


Lovin' being Texican
TexasPride77 said:
Perhaps, i just want to know why more communities dont come together to beat a$$.

You have to wonder what the Dallas men are doing these days to keep in shape. Maybe drinking Starbucks isn't too smart.

15 men "jumped him and hit him repeatedly on the face with their fists." He suffered minor injuries.


New Member
Penn said:
Maybe he'll think twice before pulling that stunt again!

How and when does one decide that it would be "neato" to go to a playground and show little kids pornographic material?

you have to put yourself into the mind of a pervert. I mean you may already be a pervert I don't know?


NOT Politically Correct!!
To all kiddy porners!!! <img src="">


New Member
slaphappynmd said:
Then why hasn't W gotten his "a$$" whooped? Oh right he's just killing American's over in Iraq, but he didn't get a blowjob so he's got more morals then anyone alive.
So you support Sadaam and the 10's of thousands of his own people he killed, all the young girls and women his troops, his sons (and himself) raped and tortured, the iraquis he dropped chemical weapons on....etc.

Wow, what a person you are!!! :faint:


"Did your parents have any kids that weren't born retarded like you?" Why do you people keep fueling my stupidity, you just make it easier and easier to laugh at you all and continue my antics.