Resume writing



Can anyone recommend a local resume writing service...that you have personally used and liked their product?


oldnavy said:
Can anyone recommend a local resume writing service...that you have personally used and liked their product?

Microsoft Office/Word has a great resume wizard. So easy to use!
Why not do your own? The last time I had to do a resume, I went to the library and checked out a few books to help me. I also used a template in Word to get me started.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
oldnavy said:
Can anyone recommend a local resume writing service...that you have personally used and liked their product?
Ask Geek to help you.


Well-Known Member
oldnavy said:
Can anyone recommend a local resume writing service...that you have personally used and liked their product?

I uesd them for
Resume Edit/Re-Format -- For those who would like to have someone edit and re-format their resume. Upon receipt of your resume and payment our Resume Writing Specialist* will edit and provide you with a re-formatted copy of your resume by email followed by a phone call to discuss any concerns or questions and to ensure your satisfaction.

Pricing Package
One Page - $25.00
Two Pages - $35.00
Three Pages - $40.00

They did a god job, I paid with paypal and emailed the resume to them.


Active Member
I create my own.

One thing that helps - browse through the job ads for the job that you want.
You'll notice terminology and phrases that are probably industry-wide buzz words. (Head hunters search resumes for certain words).

It should help you fine tune the wording that you use to describe yourself in the skills/experience sections of your resume.

I have some notes at home. If I remember, I'll float 'em to ya!


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
pingrr said:
If you need help with your resume, I can write it for you.


...and I will proofread it so it doesn't look like a ninja wrote it.

Richard Cranium

New Member
oldnavy said:
Can anyone recommend a local resume writing service...that you have personally used and liked their product?

You're still in the service, are you not? There are several resume writing assistance courses at FFSC and Navy campus.


100% Goapele Head!
Danzig said:
I uesd them for
Resume Edit/Re-Format -- For those who would like to have someone edit and re-format their resume. Upon receipt of your resume and payment our Resume Writing Specialist* will edit and provide you with a re-formatted copy of your resume by email followed by a phone call to discuss any concerns or questions and to ensure your satisfaction.

Pricing Package
One Page - $25.00
Two Pages - $35.00
Three Pages - $40.00

They did a god job, I paid with paypal and emailed the resume to them.

I like that website, never used but I would recommend as well. :yay:



Thanks for all the input and offers of help. I'm concerned about my resume because a lot of what I read now says that the resume is much more important than it once was....especially in the highly competative market of the PAX River area. I spoke to the VP of FEDEX (government services) when she was in town a couple of months ago and she stressed the resume very strongly, as did a big-wig from the "Patuxent Partnership".
I'll chalk up 26 years of active duty service in May of 08 so the Navy is really all I know. I just want to give myself the best opportunity for a secure, well paying job when I retire. I figure the small investment in a professional resume will be well worth the price...if only in peace of mind.


New Member
Perfect Resume Writing


I came across the site called The name may sound funny but it has everything what u r lookin for like resume writing services, resume writing tips and other useful information. Try it and let us know how u liked it?


The resume is important, but what will get you in the door is a good cover letter.

I've helped nearly every single one of my friends write their resumes and based on using my resume as a model along with my cover letter model, each and every single one of them has gotten multiple call backs and had their choice of jobs.