Revelation 11 42 months 1,260 days


Well-Known Member
Revelation 11:They will trample on the holy city for 42 months. 3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.”​

This is from

“The Holy City” represents God’s true church, also called Jerusalem (Isaiah 52:9), and we see in verse 7 its opposite, “the Great City,” called in Revelation 18 “Babylon, which is any system of false religion. Revelation 18:2, 10, 16, 18, 19, 21. The false church is seen to “tread” the true church “underfoot” for “forty and two months.” This refers to the same 1,260 year period of Papal domination seen in Daniel 7:25 and in Daniel 8:10, 23-25.​

This commentary comes from Godvine.

Forty and two months - Literally, this would be three years and a half; but if the time here is prophetic time - a day for a year - then the period would be twelve hundred and sixty years - reckoning the year at 360 days. For a full illustration of this usage, and for the reasons for supposing that this is prophetic time, see the notes on Daniel 7:25. In addition to what is there said, it may be remarked, in reference to this passage, that it is impossible to show, with any degree of probability, that the city of Jerusalem was "trampled under foot" by the Romans for the exact space of three years and a half. Prof. Stuart, who adopts the opinion that it refers to the conquest of Jerusalem by the Romans, says, indeed, "It is certain that the invasion of the Romans lasted just about the length of the period named, until Jerusalem was taken. And although the city itself was not besieged so long, yet the metropolis in this case, as in innumerable others in both Testaments, appears to stand for the country of Judaea." But it is to be remembered that the affirmation here is, that "the holy city" was thus to be trodden under foot; and even taking the former supposition, in what sense is it true that the "whole country" was "trodden under foot" by the Romans only three years and a half?

This attempt at clarification is from

One other note: modern commentaries are much too quick to spiritualize this chapter. While there are figures of speech employed to communicate John’s intended meaning, this is no basis to claim nothing literal or yet futuristic about Revelation 11. The only obstacle to a futuristic literal fulfillment of Revelation 11 is the intellectual bias of modern theologians.

And they will tread under foot the holy city = explains what the Gentiles will do. To tread under foot is a figure of speech. It means "to mistreat or abuse." "The holy city" is a clear and unmistakable reference to Jerusalem. However, there is doubt on the part of some that it refers to the literal earthly city, Jerusalem. Some argue that the reference concerns a spiritualized "mother of cities." All arguments betray a bias against a literal interpretation of this chapter. As the earthly home of God Almighty, Jerusalem was referred to as a "holy city" in the Old Testament (Isa 52:1, Neh 11:1). Gentiles will dishonor God’s place of worship and abuse the city.

Forty-two months = defines the length of time "the holy city" will be abused. Forty-two months equals three and a half years or 1,260 days. This numerically specific number has a pre-history in the book of Daniel. Daniel predicted a future period of human history, which he described in several ways: (1) time, times, and half a time (Dan 7:25; 12:7); (2) half a week (Dan 9:27); (3) 1,290 days (Dan 12:11). The fact that the Revelation refers to a period of human history, which is also described as: (1) 1,260 days (Rev 11:3; 12:6); (2) time, times, and half a time (Rev 12:14); and (3) forty-two months (Rev 11:2), confirms a Danielic connection.

This unique time frame is specifically prophetic in connection with the prophesied reign of "the prince." There is no doubt on the part of scholars that Daniel and the Revelation speaks of the fulfillment of the same prophetic event. However, the problem concerns the fulfillment itself. Preterists argue that the events are synonymous, but were fulfilled in the AD 70 destruction of Jerusalem. Those who spiritualize the text see an on-going fulfillment as God and His people battle against evil in the world. Futurists see a literal future fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecies that are confirmed in the Revelation.

Well, these commentaries were written before ISIS had control of parts of the world. These commentaries were written before Israel started moving settlers out of Gaza. These commentaries were written before the the US Embassy was moved back to Jerusalem [12/6/17]. These commentaries were written before eleven members of a Jewish community were gunned down in their synagogue. [Did you see those two brothers?] All of these commentaries were missing these bits of information.

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