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Revelation 11:19 Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant. And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a severe hailstorm.
The Ark on earth was constructed by God's design. God told Moses how to build it and what materials to use. We saw that back in the Old Testament. It was lost in war then returned. David made such a spectacle of gladness that he embarrassed his wife when the Ark on earth was returned.
It's a storage place for the tablets on which God wrote the Ten Commandments. Right now the Ten Commandments are "forbidden" in many courts. That won't last forever though. When the Temple in Heaven is opened and the Ark is revealed, the Ten Commandments which are God's Law will take their place back in front of humans.
One of the commentaries puts it this way.
We see here the dwelling of God in all its awesomeness. There was an ark of the covenant in the tabernacle in the wilderness. There is much speculation about where that earthly ark is today. Some believe that it is underneath the city of Jerusalem; some believe it is in Rome. The strange thing is that it is unimportant where it is.
When the children of Israel traveled to the promised land, It was a visible reassurance that God was with them and would keep His covenant with them.
The one that is really important to believers, we see here at the throne of God. We are reassured that God's covenant with us will never fail. We see God's power and might in all these manifestations such as these earthquakes. We must remember continually, that Revelation is not in chronological order. God does not tell us just exactly when each thing happens. We just know they will happen. All of these earthquakes etc., just show God's dealing with man.
When the children of Israel traveled to the promised land, It was a visible reassurance that God was with them and would keep His covenant with them.
The one that is really important to believers, we see here at the throne of God. We are reassured that God's covenant with us will never fail. We see God's power and might in all these manifestations such as these earthquakes. We must remember continually, that Revelation is not in chronological order. God does not tell us just exactly when each thing happens. We just know they will happen. All of these earthquakes etc., just show God's dealing with man.
It's hard for some people to believe that the Bible is the unerring Word of God. The Ark that Noah built is supposed to be sitting somewhere. The Ark of the Covenant is lost or stored somewhere secret. When people uncover some physical evidence, other people do their best to say it isn't so. When the Temple in Heaven is opened and the Ark in Heaven is exposed.... It'll be proof.
Have you seen the commercial on TV where Santa meets the M&M character? They both say "He does exist!" and then they faint. I can imagine that when the Temple is opened.... there will be a lot of people who say "It does exist.... I knew it!" That will bring dancing in the streets too!