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Revelation 14: 6 Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth—to every nation, tribe, language and people. 7 He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.”
The easy English commentary says this.
The angel was flying in the sky above the earth. The angel came to tell people about the plans of God. God said that his people should have eternal life. This is good news to all who believe God’s words. And they will serve God. The angel made certain that all the peoples of the earth heard him. Every person had the opportunity to hear the good news.
The angel called all people to repent while there was time. This was their last chance. Soon it would be too late.
This is the message that the angel brought. All people must be afraid of God and everyone must give him honour. They must respect him as the Lord of all. They must know that he is the God of all power.
The people were surprised at the power of the beast. But God is so much more powerful than the beast. And God will be the judge of each person. The time had almost come when he would do this. Those who oppose God cannot expect a happy future.
God made the heavens and the earth. He made the seas and the rivers. God made the whole world, and it belongs to him. So, all people ought to worship him. They should turn to God and they should serve him alone.
The angel called all people to repent while there was time. This was their last chance. Soon it would be too late.
This is the message that the angel brought. All people must be afraid of God and everyone must give him honour. They must respect him as the Lord of all. They must know that he is the God of all power.
The people were surprised at the power of the beast. But God is so much more powerful than the beast. And God will be the judge of each person. The time had almost come when he would do this. Those who oppose God cannot expect a happy future.
God made the heavens and the earth. He made the seas and the rivers. God made the whole world, and it belongs to him. So, all people ought to worship him. They should turn to God and they should serve him alone.
This question is on my mind today.
What would I do if I saw an angel flying above earth declaring the Gospel?