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Revelation 14:8 A second angel followed and said, “‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great,’[a] which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries.”
a. Revelation 14:8 Isaiah 21:9
One of the commentaries says this.
This "Babylon" that "is fallen" here is not a literal city. This is the world system that opposed the church and the Christians. This evil world system did all in her power to stop Christianity. This power and the one causing small and great to receive the mark could be one and the same. At any rate, it has fallen here. "Babylon" is symbolic of the world and its evil system.
This message that is brought will be final in its nature. It will be good news (gospel), but it will also be a last warning. This is a final warning to turn from the world to the Creator of it all. "The Lord is coming", will be the cry. This message will be worldwide. Remember an angel is a ministering spirit. These will be evangelists. One more time I say this is the final warning that judgment is about to fall.
This message that is brought will be final in its nature. It will be good news (gospel), but it will also be a last warning. This is a final warning to turn from the world to the Creator of it all. "The Lord is coming", will be the cry. This message will be worldwide. Remember an angel is a ministering spirit. These will be evangelists. One more time I say this is the final warning that judgment is about to fall.
The Amazing Discoveries commentary says this.
Because God mixed up the people’s language at the tower of Babel, the term “Babylon” has come to mean confusion. See Genesis 11:1-9. The ancient kingdom of Babylon took God’s people captive and has long been recognized as the enemy of God’s truth and of His people. Jeremiah 50-51. God uses the term here as reference to the doctrinal confusion in the modern churches. The announcement that “Babylon is fallen” refers to their departure from Bible truth. This message was first preached in the summer of 1844 to the churches of the United States, where the warning of the judgement had been most widely proclaimed and most generally rejected. But the message of the second angel did not reach its complete fulfillment in 1844. In a larger sense, “Babylon” encompasses all the system of false religion in the world.
And, finally, the easy English commentary says this.
Then the second angel declared that Babylon had fallen. Babylon was a great city in the ancient region called Mesopotamia. It had been the capital of the kingdom called Babylon. It was an evil place of luxury and sin. Worse than that, it was the great enemy of God’s people.
The name Babylon here means the centre (most important place) of all on earth that opposed the real God. It was the centre of all false beliefs. It was the centre of the world’s religion and commerce.
God destroyed the city called Babylon, because it was the centre of such evil practices. But all the nations of the world had become like Babylon. So, all the nations will suffer the same fate as Babylon. God is angry with them and he will destroy them.
The name Babylon here means the centre (most important place) of all on earth that opposed the real God. It was the centre of all false beliefs. It was the centre of the world’s religion and commerce.
God destroyed the city called Babylon, because it was the centre of such evil practices. But all the nations of the world had become like Babylon. So, all the nations will suffer the same fate as Babylon. God is angry with them and he will destroy them.
I am grateful that God will send witnesses and an angel to make sure that all the nations hear the Gospel and end any confusion about the Gospel.