Revelation 19:9-10 The wedding supper confuses me!


Well-Known Member
Revelation 19:9 Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he added, “These are the true words of God.”
10 At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.”
Question... is this the same angel that threw the boulder at earth in the previous chapter?

Now... on to the discussion topic that got most of the women going in Sunday School. The wedding supper!

I don't understand the "wedding supper". I admit it. The idea of Jesus, human or Son of God, marrying the whole of "the church".

When I was in my teens, I moved to Charlotte, NC, to live with my grandmother for a while. I had to go to a Presbyterian church. I was a good little Southern Baptist... and I still believed the whole world was either Protestant or Catholic... but we all believed in Jesus. During the church service they recited a "doctrine" and part of it says "I believe in the holy catholic church". Well I refused to state the sentence. I shut my mouth... tight.... "I'm not saying that.... I'm not worshiping the church.... I Believe in Jesus". But then someone explain to me.... "catholic" with the lower case "c" means collective... that means all Believers not just the Catholic [upper case "c"] church.

So is the wedding supper the same kind of deal? Is this the union of Jesus and His followers.... when we get a cool drink of water, and some fine food to eat.... as a respite from the World War, and natural destruction, we all survived? Is this the rescue dinner? That would make a lot more sense. Jesus is going to be my husband.... I'll be in Heaven... I won't need a husband.

OK... so is this metaphorical too?

The wedding supper confuses me!
