Revelation 19 The White Horse


Well-Known Member
Revelation 19:11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. 12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. 14 The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 15 Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.”[a] He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:

king of kings and lord of lords.​

a. Revelation 19:15 Psalm 2:9

I know a man who is Jewish. I asked him once, why didn't he accept Christ as Savior? His response was classic. He didn't see how the Son of God would be so meager. He said the King of Kings has to be a leader. He also said... He did not believe because there is still so much war and sadness.

I'm trying not to preach here.... I'm trying to point out a contrast.... in these verses...

  • Jesus is riding a White Horse... not a borrowed donkey.
  • Jesus is waging war... not feeding the people and healing the sick
  • Jesus is wearing a blood soaked robe.... not wrapped in swaddling clothes
  • Jesus is leading an army of 144,000.... not teaching 12 Disciples
  • Jesus is going after Satan.... not allowing Himself to be hung on a cross.

But... if this man waits for that sign.... it might be too late... this man is already much older than I.... of course, maybe he's going to be called as part of the 144,000. I bet he'll believe once he sees the blood soaking that robe.

Meanwhile... this is from

The Feast of the Birds, Armageddon: Next, John sees a vision of Christ’s Second Coming that deals with the wicked. Christ appears on “a white horse” as the Conquering King. He comes with the “armies” of “Heaven” to “judge and make war.” His eyes seem to pierce to the heart of each person, for He knows every thought and word and action of their lives. His vesture has on it the “blood” of the victory He won at Calvary; that accomplishment ensured His triumph now in the battle of Armageddon.

The “sharp sword” and “rod of iron” signify victory over His enemies. Jesus comes to smite the wicked nations, who have waged war against Him, His saints and His church. He has laid aside his priestly garments and put on “crowns” and kingly attire; He is coming as “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”

So this is from the easy English site.

Heaven opens and there is a white horse. The description of the rider tells us who will win the last battle. The rider will fight the last war. He will bring to an end this present age. He is the Lord Jesus Christ.

In this verse, the name that he has is ‘Loyal and True’. He is right to fight against his enemies. He will be the judge of all who are on the earth.

The eyes of the rider shine like flames of fire. The rider’s eyes are special in this description, because the Lord sees all things. Nobody can hide anything from him.

He has many crowns on his head. This means that Christ is the ruler over all other kings. He has all authority in heaven and on the earth.

The rider also has a name that only he knows. It is a secret name. We can know the Lord but there will always be more to know. He is so much more than we shall ever be able to understand.

In this strange description, blood covers the clothes of Christ. It is the blood of his enemies. As Christ goes into the battle, blood splashes his clothes.

The Lord Jesus has the names ‘Loyal and True’. He also has a secret name. But here his name is the Word of God. In the gospel of John, ‘the Word’ means Jesus. Jesus was with God in the beginning of time. He is God.

The armies that follow Christ are on white horses. They wear white and clean clothes. This shows that they also win the war. But Christ wins the battle and they follow him.

The rider on the white horse has a sharp sword. It seems to come from his mouth. This description shows us the power of his words. They are like a sword that cuts his enemies to pieces. He will speak and, by his words, he will defeat the nations. Christ overcomes all by the words of his power. This is what Isaiah the prophet said. ‘He will strike the earth with the bar of his mouth. With the breath of his lips, he will kill the wicked people.’ (Isaiah 11:4).

He will rule the nations like a shepherd with an iron stick. An iron stick is strong and it will not bend. So, Christ will be strict when he rules the nations. He will punish all who do not obey him. (See Psalm 2:9.)

He will press his enemies as one presses grapes.
To make wine, one squeezes the grapes until the juice flows out. So, with the anger of God, Christ will kill his enemies.

The rider is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. The Lord Jesus is the king over all the nations. There is nobody on earth or in heaven like him. He alone has all power and he alone rules over all.

Can you imagine the hullabaloo that would happen if Jesus showed up at one of the NATO, or G20, even one of our cabinet meetings. Can you imagine the leaders of all the countries handing over their seats easily? Well that's not how it's going to happen.... there's going to be horrible things that happen first.... starvation, lack of water, bug bites, wild animal attacks, earthquakes, meteor showers, meteors, and the sun torch.... those leaders are dead of in hiding so deep the snakes that naturally hide under rocks are wondering who let them in.

Yep.... Jesus on a White Horse drenched in a battle scarred robe.... leading an army of 144,000 Jewish soldiers, 12,000 from each of Jacob's [Israel's] twelve tribes.... seeing that would make that Jewish man take note.... but I sure don't want to still be here to see that.

white horse.jpg

Oh... and His secret name.... I bet that's God's nickname for Him.... Wouldn't it be wild if when I get there... I find out that the "secret name" was something like "champ" or "sport" or "bubba"! My guess is... His secret name is something very endearing.
