Revelation 20 Lock it Up!


Well-Known Member
Revelation 20:1 And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3 He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.​

A thousand years.... is that a thousand years our time or God's time?

Well, here's the input.

The Millennium: After Christ’s second coming, the earth is utterly desolate, a jagged smoldering ruin. The righteous have been taken to Heaven, and the wicked have been destroyed. 2 Thessalonians 2:8.

As the prophecy continues, John sees “an angel come down from heaven,” lay hold on Satan and bind him for “a thousand years.” Satan is alone with no one to ruin or deceive. He has a thousand years to reflect on the effects which sin has wrought, to behold the results of his rebellion, and to look forward with dread to the time when he will be punished for the evil he has done and the sins he has caused others to commit. At the end of the thousand years (commonly known as the “millennium”) he will be “loosed” for a short time.​

God is going to let Satan out.... He's going to give Satan [Yep Satan] a second chance!!!!! has a comment about the 1,000 years.

Here we see the devil spoken of as the dragon which we read about in a previous lesson. We also see him recognized as the serpent. You see, he was the one who deceived Eve in the garden (Gen. 3:1; compare 2 Cor. 11:3; 1 Tim. 2:14).

The devil will not be here on the earth to harass the Christians until the millennial 1000 year reign of Jesus is over.

When he bound the devil for the 1000 years, the angel put him in the abyss, not in the burning hell. This burning hell was reserved for his final punishment.

“A thousand years”: This is the first of 6 references to the length of the millennial kingdom (compare verses 3-7). There are 3 main views of the duration and nature of this period:

(1) Premillennialism sees this as a literal 1000 year period during which Jesus Christ, in fulfillment of numerous prophecies (e.g., 2 Sam. 7:12-16; Psalm 2; Isa. 11:6-12; 24:23; Hosea 3:4-5; Joel 3:9-21; Amos 9:8-15; Micah 4:1-8; Zeph. 3:14-20; Zech. 14:1-11; Matt. 24:29-31, 36:44), reigns on the earth. Using the same general principles of interpretation for both prophetic and non-prophetic passages leads most naturally to Premillennialism. Another strong argument supporting this view is that so many biblical prophecies have already been literally fulfilled, suggesting that future prophecies will likewise be fulfilled literally.

(2) Postmillennialism understands the reference to a 1000 year period as only symbolic of a golden age of righteousness and spiritual prosperity. It will be ushered in by the spread of the gospel during the present church age and brought to completion when Christ returns. According to this view, references to Christ’s reign on earth primarily describe His spiritual reign in the hearts of believers in the church.

(3) Amillennialism understands the 1000 years to be merely symbolic of a long period of time. This view interprets Old Testament prophecies of a Millennium as being fulfilled spiritually now in the church (either on earth or in heaven), or as references to the eternal state. Using the same literal, historical, grammatical principle of interpretation so as to determine the normal sense of language, one is left with the inescapable conclusion that Christ will return and reign in a real kingdom on earth for 1000 years. There is nothing in the text to render the conclusion that “a thousand years” is symbolic. Never is Scripture when “year” is used with a number is its meaning not literal.

I know some people who have already picked out the house they are going to live in during this 1,000 years. Like that house is going to survive the catastrophic natural disasters that happen before satan is locked up..... Sure I see God putting us back on earth... to repopulate... all new and clean and bright and sunny.... and the Son is ruling. I don't know if I want to be one of the ones put back on earth to rebuild. I am excited to see the place God has for me in Heaven. Then again.... how would I know the difference.... God's going to make earth just like Heaven again. With no temptation.... life is only a series of happy good decisions.... I don't care where I am when those are the only decisions I have to make... being in a place where I can spot Jesus or maybe even walk beside Him and talk to Him..... what difference does it make where that spot is... as long as I'm there....right?
