Revelation 8 3rd Trumpet Wormwood


New Member
Revelation 8:10 The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— 11 the name of the star is Wormwood.[a] A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.​

Revelation 8:11 Wormwood is a bitter substance.

One of the commentaries says "The doctrines of the gospel, the springs of spiritual life, comfort, and vigour, to the souls of men, are corrupted and made bitter by the mixture of dangerous errors, so that the souls of men find ruin where they sought refreshment."

Another commentary says "Many men died from the water = is the natural result of fresh water made bitter. Wormwood is known for its bitterness, however, death is not normally associated with this herb."

The third commentary says " A star is a symbol of a great leader. Such a star as this, a blazing meteor, is a symbol of a leader who suddenly appears, rapidly does an awfully baleful work, and then disappears. In some way the rivers will be the scenes of his malign influence. They shall become bitterness and shall be scenes of death."

I did some "wormwood" searches last night. A comet would have a tail. It would appear to be a falling star. Also, I read, that the comet could expel cyanide in it's wake. Cyanide would, by nature, make the fresh water taste bitter and it would indeed kill if pooled in the right quantity. After a meteor shower and then a meteor impact that follows the war and earthquakes of Revelation 7, people who survive all that would naturally be hungry and thirsty both physically and spiritually.

A lot of scary stuff has been posted about wormwood and IMHO some of it is just plain nuts. There was a whole lot of talk about a comet heading towards earth that would pass really really really close. You might even remember some of the headlines.



I just realized that the President's picture is on the lead page. This is not political.... it just happens that at the end the President is at a press conference talking about a mean thing man is doing.
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New Member
Before the Earth Dwellers have any time to recover from the LAST trumpet blast another one takes place with yet another object falling to earth. The last object was referred to as being solid, like a burning mountain. This next object is more like a burning torch. The last object crashed into the sea, this one evidently falls apart as it nears the earth thereby scattering its debris over various rivers and 'springs of water'. It will then poison 1/3 of all the freshwater supplies. The Greek word for 'Springs' is translated as 'wells' in the New Testament. So not only will the surface waters be poisoned by this 'star' but also too the water tables below the surface.