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Revelation 8:12 The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them turned dark. A third of the day was without light, and also a third of the night.
The commentaries are all over the place on this one. I guess it's understandable because loosing 1/3 of the Sun is not an easy thing to contemplate. Of course, scientists and geeks have looked at the physical events that just could take this event out of the metaphorical into the plausible.
Here's a quote from a commentary.
An alternative and more drastic effect could be that the huge meteor or comet alters the earth's rotation on its axis (or that God does this himself so that the effect seen in the polar regions now occurs in a new region of interest in the earth (perhaps the center of the Antichrist's kingdom.) This couldn't happen without God's help - the energy values are just too high for life on earth to survive during such an event without God doing some miraculous work on his own. It is thought, for example, that the dying out of the dinosaurs might have been caused by a strike by a large object in the Gulf of Mexico.
Does this sound obscure? Well I remember when Japan suffered that horrible earthquake and tsunami. I remember a reporter said that the earth's axis had been affected. Check out this quote from
The massive earthquake that struck northeast Japan Friday (March 11) has shortened the length Earth's day by a fraction and shifted how the planet's mass is distributed.
Combine a shift of the earth's axis with the debris from meteor shower debris, meteor debris, and comet debris. Suddenly these trumpets don't sound so metaphorical. It begins to sound like a real warning.
But then again, I'm not a preacher, or a scientist, only a reader.