Revelation Unveiled TIM LAHAYE


New Member
I pulled out my old copy of the book Revelation Unveiled. I've read it before when I wasn't really Revelation.

Has anyone read it?



New Member
I'm sorry, I really do not like LaHaye or Ice or the guy that wrote The Late Great Planet Earth. I'd much rather read Mounce's or Ladd's commentary on Revelation.


New Member
I'm sorry, I really do not like LaHaye or Ice or the guy that wrote The Late Great Planet Earth. I'd much rather read Mounce's or Ladd's commentary on Revelation.

I have to agree with you on LaHaye. Can't say I've heard of the others but I might give a look.

LaHaye has a bit of bias to his work. I've been comparing the interpretations in his book against the other commentaries. He's in a direction of his own. But then again... I'm not a preacher.... just a reader...



New Member
I have to agree with you on LaHaye. Can't say I've heard of the others but I might give a look.

LaHaye has a bit of bias to his work. I've been comparing the interpretations in his book against the other commentaries. He's in a direction of his own. But then again... I'm not a preacher.... just a reader...


Those are the two I recommended.


New Member
I pulled out my old copy of the book Revelation Unveiled. I've read it before when I wasn't really Revelation.

Has anyone read it?


I have and it's okay. But I really like The Late Great Planet Earth and anything by Thomas Ice even though the Zguy doesn't. :smile:

Being as they're pretrib I can understand why the Zguy wouldn't recommend them.