Revised Important Scientific Poll

Is Pluto a Planet?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 9 20.5%
  • Don't Know/Care

    Votes: 7 15.9%

  • Total voters


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
He is.
He's also a Roman God.

And a planet/quasi-planet/KBO.
Well, which one are you talking about, then? Because if you're talking about the dog, then I vote that it is NOT a planet. :yay:


LexiGirl75 said:
I wonder what century did people discover this was funny... :lol:

I fully believe that Sir William Herschel named it Uranus as the biggest cosmic joke in history.

SWH: I say, Winston take a look there! Do you see it?
Winston, the Lab Assistant: Wat ho?
SWH: I do believe that's a planet Winston. Go fetch my notebook
Winston: 'Ere y'go, sirrah!
SWH: Jolly good. And I've thought of a smashing name for it!
Winston: What you gonna call it sirrah?
SWH: Uranus.
Winston: Your... ? hu.. huhh-whaahaha!Your anus?!
(Both): :killingme
Winston: Ay-wot! Bloody fine name for it! Wot-wot.
SWH: Indeed. Now be a good chap and fix us some crumpets and tea. Before I kick Uranus
Last edited:


lower life form
I'm perfectly happy to call Pluto a planet. In effect, that means that several other big things out beyond Pluto oughta be accepted as planets, too.

Hey, we can use all the planets we can get!


mainman said:
What is the scientific definition of a planet and what is the scientific definition of a moon?

There isn't one.

Actually - I think the definition of "moon" is any natural body orbitting a planet.

Of course that begs a definition of planet - and to this point there is no accepted criteria that defines a planet. I guess the inventors of the word just assumed that it was self-explanatory - and then Pluto had to come around and screw everything up.