Reviving The Caliphate


New Member
While Shi'a Muslims await al-Mahdi and Isa' to lead the world in the end of days, Sunni Islam predicts that the world system will eventually be controlled by a Caliphate.

Reviving the Caliphate
Moshe Sharon
Outpost - Jan 01, 2008


“The caliphate is not a dream but a plan of action. It is a goal to be achieved. This is the message coming from Bin Laden's al-Qaeda, from the doctors at universities, and from preachers in mosques throughout the world of Islam. The achievement of this goal begins with weakening the Christian enemy state from within by using its own legal institutions and liberal media, by playing the victim, by terrorizing its civilians, by suffocating its economies; in short by waging a multiple-front Jihad.

Iran's plan to achieve atomic power, the Jihadist declarations coming from the Palestinians and al-Qaeda's various offshoots, and the open hostility of the Muslims in England, France, Holland and other European countries to their hosts, the education of Muslim children from kindergarten on to cherish the idea of martyrdom and to wish for martyrdom (shahadah), are all part and parcel of the age-old Islamic agenda.

Whether the caliphate dream can be realized only time will tell, but there is now a huge anti-Western power active as it was in the Middle Ages. So the threat is no longer theoretical, or a romantic Islamic dream as most of the Western media presents it. It is the real thing, because Islam, the army of the Faithful, has positioned itself once again against the House of War, the term reserved for that part of the world which is not yet under Islam. Conflict has always been the best habitat for Islam. Now, once again, Islam is revitalized by a new exciting conflict, toying with a seemingly helpless Europe.

By regarding Islam simply as a religion, the Europeans are enabling the Moslems to use the funds of Western states to build the infrastructure of an Islamic entity in each state as a bridgehead for conquering it from within. But what is more disturbing is that the billions of dollars which stream from the EU to Muslim terror groups under various disguises are nothing less than Jizyah money paid by the dhimmis of Europe to the Muslim rulers. Like the Jizyah, the money that the non-Muslim had to pay to secure some degree of security for himself, so also European money is the collective Jizyah paid by the Europeans in the (false) hope that it will secure for them the protected status of the dhimmi.”

Reviving the Caliphate