Rex Grossman to start for the Cowboys on Sunday


I am speechless. Which is really saying something.

Which is pretty funny if you think about it.

Come on... really? With all the other stupid things this team has done, and this surprises you? I mean it makes logical sense given who we're talking about. Give the guy a big contract, watch him go to crap, then bench him.

Put it together and whatta you got?



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To anybody worried things might get boring around Redskinsland now that Fat Albert finally got kicked to the curb:

Merry Christmas!!!


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Donny Mac is gone next year anyway so the "big contract" isn't going to be a factor. Shanahan said on the John Racist (Thompson) Show that McNabb will be the #2 this week and #3 to end the season. He wants to "fully evaluate Rex and John Beck" to see where the team needs to go during the offseason".

I fully understand the rationale behind this because McNabb has had 13 games to show that he is a subpar qb in this system. So do you waste the remaining games knowing how he will likely perform or do you see what you have in the stable (your future) so you can address the issue?

The biggest mistake in the McNabb was the loss of the draft picks, hopefully after this season is over we can trade around a bit and pick up a couple of picks. How many do you think Arizona will give us for McNabb? He has a home there and the AZ qb situation is way worse than ours.


New Member
I could see Donovan going to AZ, but I don't see the skins getting much for him. Simply put, they are showing that they are finished with him. He will not play for them next season, so where is the incentive for a team to give up a lot for him?

I could see them dealing an O Lineman, or something you guys need for him, but a high draft pick (anything above the fourth round) is highly unlikely.

Honestly, I don't think he plays in AZ next year, I see him as the QB for either the Vikes or the Raiders.....don't count those two teams out of the running. I still feel Offensively, the Raiders are only missing a REAL QB!!! Being a Dallas fan, Donovan is a REAL QB!!! I hate playing him, he always has the ability to make you pay!!! Good luck Donovan, you deserve much better than this crap!!!


Football addict
My son said it doesn't matter anyway, since Skins are out of the playoffs.
Which is the reason Shanahan gave.

Wants to evaluate the rest of his team in the last three games.

Should be another interesting off-season, as always.


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