RGIII Cleared for Week 1


New Member
Although I love my QB I am not to sure if he should start week 1. I hope the doctors and him are making the right decision and lead us to the SHIP!


Well-Known Member
Although I love my QB I am not to sure if he should start week 1. I hope the doctors and him are making the right decision and lead us to the SHIP!

There's a small sadistic part of me that thinks that all it's gonna take is one more good hit and RGIII's carrer'll be over. He may be in shape and all that, but he's rushing his recovery IMO.


New Member
There's a small sadistic part of me that thinks that all it's gonna take is one more good hit and RGIII's carrer'll be over. He may be in shape and all that, but he's rushing his recovery IMO.

There's no doubt he's rushing his recovery granted he gets hit and that leg gives way again. I just hate to have his career ended like that. Note this is the 2nd time his leg has had surgery. Once in college and once in the NFL, whatever the case I am still all for my QB


No adult, scratch that, nobody should say SHIP meaning championship.


A Salute to all on Watch
I say sit him week 1 and see how we do, a loss won't end the season - if Cousins has a bad game then maybe play him week 2


Well-Known Member
Here's the thing... Unless the skins go 16-0 his return will be questioned. The first interception will start sceond guessing and the first serious tackle will make most cringe.
But what is this saying to the men that worked their ass off in summer camps, drills, and a 4-0 pre-season??? Are they the back-up to the lead singer???!!!

I have always been a redskin fan but we have been lead by the media and RGIII by the nose to be set-up for failure unless he is picture perfect.


Common sense ain't common
Here's the thing... Unless the skins go 16-0 his return will be questioned. The first interception will start sceond guessing and the first serious tackle will make most cringe.
But what is this saying to the men that worked their ass off in summer camps, drills, and a 4-0 pre-season??? Are they the back-up to the lead singer???!!!

I have always been a redskin fan but we have been lead by the media and RGIII by the nose to be set-up for failure unless he is picture perfect.

Redskins are f**ked either way IMO
They either:
1) Start RGIII Game 1 and have fans scream TOO SOON TOO SOON
2) Don't start RGIII Game 1 and have fans scream WHERE IS RGIII WE NEED HIM TO WIN COME OOOOONNNN

Gotta say I feel sorry for them.


Do you like apples?
Shanahan's decision.
If RG III is cleared to play and Shanahan thinks he's ready then play him. Head coach is the guy paid to make the decision, not the fans, not the media, not Snyder, not RG III. It's the head coach's job to prepare the players to be ready that week and to play the players that he believes will have the greatest contribution to the team's success.