Rich white men rule America. How much longer will we tolerate that?


PREMO Member
White men have never made up the majority of the US population, and yet from the country’s beginnings they have made up most of its political decision-makers. The constitution itself is an outrageously undemocratic document. People today are bound by a set of procedural rules that were made without the input of women, African Americans or native people. The framers quite deliberately constructed a system that would prevent what they called “tyranny of the majority” but what is more accurately called “popular democracy”.

That set of rules has been very effective at keeping the American populace from exercising power. James Madison was explicit about the function of the United States Senate – it was “to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority”. Indeed, that’s precisely what it does. As Jamelle Bouie points out, the Senate has “an affluent membership composed mostly of white men, who are about 30% of the population but hold 71 of the seats” out of 100. Though popular opinion may overwhelmingly favor universal healthcare and more progressive taxation, these policies are said to be “politically impossible” because the millionaires who populate Congress do not favor them.

We hear a lot about how the electoral college, the US supreme court and gerrymandered districts are undermining democratic rule. But it’s worth reflecting on just how deep the disenfranchisement really is. The supreme court is the highest branch of government, in that it can overturn the decisions of the other two branches. It consists of just nine people, all of whom went to Harvard or Yale and two-thirds of whom are men. Ian Samuel has pointed out the remarkable fact that, thanks to the way the Senate is structured, the senators who voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the court represent 38 million fewer people than the senators who voted against him.


Power with Control
"A pure Democracy, by which I mean a Society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the Government in person, can admit of no cure for the mischiefs of faction. A common passion or interest will, in almost every case, be felt by a majority of the whole; a communication and concert result from the form of Government itself; and there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party, or an obnoxious individual. Hence it is, that such Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives, as they have been violent in their deaths. Theoretic politicians, who have patronized this species of Government, have erroneously supposed, that by reducing mankind to a perfect equality in their political rights, they would, at the same time, be perfectly equalized and assimilated in their possessions, their opinions, and their passions. "

"In order to judge of the form to be given to this institution, it will be proper to take a view of the ends to be served by it. These were, — first, to protect the people against their rulers, secondly, to protect the people against the transient impressions into which they themselves might be led. "

Man wrote a lot.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Anyone can run for Congress. Like, anyone. Hank Johnson ran for Congress... and won. AOC. Maxine Waters. There are any number of low hanging human fruit in our government.

So really, I'm bored with the "rich white men" mantra. I will take a rich white male American over an Ilhan Omar any day of the week.


Well-Known Member
"Popular Democracy" would have no same-sex marriage, no abortions allowed, no gun control measures anywhere close to what we have, etc., etc.

"Popular Democracy" would eliminate state sovereignty.

"Popular Democracy" would destroy the fabric of what makes these United States united.


Power with Control
"Popular Democracy" would have no same-sex marriage, no abortions allowed, no gun control measures anywhere close to what we have, etc., etc.

"Popular Democracy" would eliminate state sovereignty.

"Popular Democracy" would destroy the fabric of what makes the Republic of the United States united.

Fixed that ferya. Just bring it back if'n it gives ya any trouble.


Well-Known Member
The rich white men will run the country until enough rich black men or Hispanics , or Muslims can take it over.
That's the name of the tune folks .


If I may ...
If I may ...

Rich white men rule America. How much longer will we tolerate that?
I don't rightly know myself. But I sure do hope it's at least until my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grand children are old enough to be able to answer that same question.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Because non white led nations are pure paradises. The non white nations where all the refugees and illegals flock to every chance they get.
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Well-Known Member
Anyone can run for Congress. Like, anyone. Hank Johnson ran for Congress... and won. AOC. Maxine Waters. There are any number of low hanging human fruit in our government.

So really, I'm bored with the "rich white men" mantra. I will take a rich white male American over an Ilhan Omar any day of the week.

why purely because you are an Islamaphobe ?


why purely because you are an Islamaphobe ?

I am not an Islamaphobe.

And I think this Omar bitch is an anti-Semitic lunatic over whom I would take a rich, middle class or poor, white or black or other, male or female or trans any day of the week. She's awful. Not because she's a muslim. But because she's a giant ****.


PREMO Member
She literally said she would choose any white man over the one muslim member of congress

So What ? How does that make her a bigot ?

You were just yesterday spouting about endless virgins and sky faeries ... you must be bigoted as well


She literally said she would choose any white man over the one muslim member of congress

No, she literally didn't. Read again very carefully - without a preconceived conclusion in mind, and with the context of the title of the thread - and the preceding sentence in that post - in mind..


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And PS, Ihan Omar isn't the only Muslim member of Congress. There is also Andre Carson and Rashida Tlaib.

Which is why I have that durhard on ignore (for some reason the quote showed up in Gurps' response): he can't be bothered to know any facts and just tosses out whatever bullshit that pops into his pea brain.


Well-Known Member
If they burned a cross in my front yard I would get out the marshmellows and have a roast