"Riches do not consist in the possession of treasures, but in the use made of them." N. Bonaparte
nhboy Ubi bene ibi patria May 17, 2011 #1 "Riches do not consist in the possession of treasures, but in the use made of them." N. Bonaparte
Pete Repete May 17, 2011 #2 Which is why all those massive profits made by Shell and Exxon Mobil that are paid to shareholders as dividends in their 401K's and investments for their future are okay?
Which is why all those massive profits made by Shell and Exxon Mobil that are paid to shareholders as dividends in their 401K's and investments for their future are okay?
Gilligan #*! boat! PREMO Member May 18, 2011 #3 "If more of anything is a good thing than too much of it is just right" More's Law