

Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
If supposedly educated, middle-class college kids riot after big sporting events, I wouldn't be surprised at all if you see riots after an election as big as this.

I sure hope you're right though, elaine. :ohwell:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
sleuth said:
If supposedly educated, middle-class college kids riot after big sporting events, I wouldn't be surprised at all if you see riots after an election as big as this.

I sure hope you're right though, elaine. :ohwell:

They already do during World Bank and IMF rallies. We ALREADY have Bush/Cheny HQ's across the country being shot at, vandalized and burglarized, in at least two dozen instances - once by a crowd of about 100 people. And we have Lynne Edwards practically agreeing it will happen.

It won't be the "end of the world" kind of stuff, or even Rodney King kind of stuff, but yeah, it will happen. These folks see Bush's election as some kind of national crime.


professional daydreamer
My issue is that some people are making it sound like it's going to be a major, nationwide riot. Like it's going to be happening in downtown Lexington Park or something. I just don't see it being anything sensational.


Sorry about that chief.
:duh: You've all been listening too closely to Bush's electoral scare tactics. But don't worry, I'm sure you all have guns to protect yourselves.

What is next witchburnings?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
elaine said:
My issue is that some people are making it sound like it's going to be a major, nationwide riot. Like it's going to be happening in downtown Lexington Park or something. I just don't see it being anything sensational.

Neither do I. I also don't hear what you're hearing, either. Just imagine Boston when they win the World Series, and add that to a few large cities.

See, some of the more vitriolic of these guys - and I'm related to a few of them - they see the 2000 election as being one of the biggest travesties of justice ever perpetrated on a democracy. They see Bush as a usurping dictator, and several of them believe he *created* the attack on the WTC and the Pentagon just so he could pass the Patriot Act and reward his cronies with Iraq oil.

So if there ARE riots in DC, I have no doubt they'll be first in line. They see the whole thing as the death of the nation.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
I just don't see it being anything sensational.
I hope you're right, but I'll bet you lunch that you're wrong (because, either way, I'll win :banana:)

If Bush wins, I predict there will be small riots all over America, and at least one major LA-style riot.


Super Genius
jlabsher said:
:duh: You've all been listening too closely to Bush's electoral scare tactics.
When did anyone on the Bush/Cheney side say anything about riots? I've only heard it from the Democrats.


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
I hope you're right, but I'll bet you lunch that you're wrong (because, either way, I'll win :banana:)

If Bush wins, I predict there will be small riots all over America, and at least one major LA-style riot.

Your place, or mine?


If the news media shows video of riots, I'll definately have to crank up some Sublime while watching. :guitar:


I listed to a discussion this morning talking of protests -- not riots and then some members in the discussion disscussed having organizing "boston tea party's" all over the United States and some radical liberals were talking about taking the country back and it's in the constitution -- "we've done it with England we can do it again with Republicans" mentality :shrug:. Also there are Democrat bus trips from the DC metro area that are going to Ohio and Pennsylvania to witness the voting and to make sure there is no "cheating" going on on Tuesday.