RIP Earl Woods...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...Tigers dad passed away yesterday.

For those who don't know much about him;

He had what I would guess was the absolute fantasy relationship every man meant to have with his son. Tiger was basically born with a golf club in his hand. His dad taught him the game, the etiquette, the sportsmanship and how it all ties together in the greater picture of life so that Tiger is;

Renowned for his athletic prowess.

Respected for his indomitable will to win.

Lauded for his commitment to show himself all over the globe, presenting perhaps the most recognizable sportsman image on the planet.

An ambassador of goodwill and an image of what an individual, from any background can achieve.

Earl was a soldier as well and, perhaps, learned the hard way. He has children from a prior marriage who didn't get quite the same upbringing.

All in all, a man who will be, obviously, remembered for the child he raised.


professional daydreamer
Larry Gude said:

All in all, a man who will be, obviously, remembered for the child he raised.

That's an admirable thing to be remembered for.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

elaine said:
That's an admirable thing to be remembered for. is but do think it is very important to remember Earl had other kids. I don't know how he raised them so I will not allude to him being less committed to them or loving them any less than he did Tiger and he fairly recently divorced Tigers mom along with, obviously, the other kids mom. If he was not as involved, it should not, in any way, taint what Tiger has become.

If anything, I'd like to see it as support for any and all dads that the idea can be achieved. It requires self sacrifice, a pretty clear idea of what you're tying to do and, clearly, a huge commitment of time and effort that we all, all of us, oft times, fail to live up to. So, far from this being a scold, including to myself, I see the glass half full and if we're all just a little bit better tomorrow than today, maybe Earl lent a hand.


professional daydreamer
Larry Gude said: is but do think it is very important to remember Earl had other kids. I don't know how he raised them so I will not allude to him being less committed to them or loving them any less than he did Tiger and he fairly recently divorced Tigers mom along with, obviously, the other kids mom. If he was not as involved, it should not, in any way, taint what Tiger has become.

If anything, I'd like to see it as support for any and all dads that the idea can be achieved. It requires self sacrifice, a pretty clear idea of what you're tying to do and, clearly, a huge commitment of time and effort that we all, all of us, oft times, fail to live up to. So, far from this being a scold, including to myself, I see the glass half full and if we're all just a little bit better tomorrow than today, maybe Earl lent a hand.

Many people have more than one child, with only one child being remarkable or standing out. Many men are great fathers. Doesn't mean they'll have a great child, but it is a testament to the fact that good fathering does occur.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You know...

elaine said:
Many people have more than one child, with only one child being remarkable or standing out. Many men are great fathers. Doesn't mean they'll have a great child, but it is a testament to the fact that good fathering does occur.

...what I'm saying though it sounds like I'm butchering it. It's the idea of Earl and Tiger that has it's appeal but I didn't want it make the guy sound like a Saint because I don't know.


professional daydreamer
Larry Gude said:
...what I'm saying though it sounds like I'm butchering it. It's the idea of Earl and Tiger that has it's appeal but I didn't want it make the guy sound like a Saint because I don't know.

If I made him sound like a saint, it wasn't my intention. For me it's as simple as, he did a good job raising his son. That's all I know about him. Hopefully they set an example for other father/child relationships.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Are you being contrary this morning?

elaine said:
If I made him sound like a saint, it wasn't my intention. For me it's as simple as, he did a good job raising his son. That's all I know about him. Hopefully they set an example for other father/child relationships.

...or am I suffering a complete keyboard fritz? I wasn't saying that you were saying he was a saint. I was saying that I'm saying he's not a saint while also saying he done something good without saying that I'm saying he is somehow perfect, because I don't know, all while acknowledging your point in that I thought you were saying just because someone doesn't have an exceptional child doesn't mean they weren't an exceptional dad which is a way of saying I'm not sure what I was saying was coming out with what I meant to say and I wanted to clarify what I was saying, if I wasn't saying it correctly, which, frankly, you would have to be the judge of as I was saying it and you were listening to it and if I didn't say it right I just wanted to say that I got what you were saying while at the same time still saying what I was trying to say, if that's what you meant to say, because it is what I meant to say.



professional daydreamer
Larry Gude said:
...or am I suffering a complete keyboard fritz? I wasn't saying that you were saying he was a saint. I was saying that I'm saying he's not a saint while also saying he done something good without saying that I'm saying he is somehow perfect, because I don't know, all while acknowledging your point in that I thought you were saying just because someone doesn't have an exceptional child doesn't mean they weren't an exceptional dad which is a way of saying I'm not sure what I was saying was coming out with what I meant to say and I wanted to clarify what I was saying, if I wasn't saying it correctly, which, frankly, you would have to be the judge of as I was saying it and you were listening to it and if I didn't say it right I just wanted to say that I got what you were saying while at the same time still saying what I was trying to say, if that's what you meant to say, because it is what I meant to say.


Larry, you have to stop typing now.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

elaine said:
Larry, you have to stop typing now.

...I have to get some more coffee and I'll be right back. I'm not Ted Lerner; I'd mostly rather tell a story than hear one at this point in my life, even if no one knows WTF I'm talking about.



professional daydreamer
Larry Gude said:
...I have to get some more coffee and I'll be right back. I'm not Ted Lerner; I'd mostly rather tell a story than hear one at this point in my life, even if no one knows WTF I'm talking about.


You're so much easier to understand in the dirt world. :ohwell:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Good morning, honey!

vraiblonde said:

Welcome to my world.....won't you come on in..... :dance:

...did you have dreams of cat fights all night? Ya ya scared the CRAP out of me.

Anyway, hows the picture I painted of the Earl of Tiger? I probably need to elaborate some...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

elaine said:
Hey, I have my clue. Back off.

...I don't think that you do.

You see, Earl, being a dad of the male persuasion, and Tiger, being his son, his penis that lives on...


professional daydreamer
Larry Gude said:
...I don't think that you do.

You see, Earl, being a dad of the male persuasion, and Tiger, being his son, his penis that lives on...


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think you're...

vraiblonde said:
I think you should. Elaine doesn't seem to really understand what you're saying.



You see, Elaine, when a man has a son, he goes off with the first tramp who'll go for a roll with him, as Tiger has done with that Euro trash beyotch of his. Therefore, putting any time or effort into a boy is probably going to bring you nothing but "Hi pop, can I have the car keys, see yah later, can I have them please?"

...and the cat's in the cradle with a silver spoon, little boy blue and the man in the moon, when you coming home son? I don't know when...


As soon as I heard about that last night, I thought "dang... poor Wanda Sykes," she had a long skit about the Pope and then he died, and then a few skits latter in her commedy dvd, she's going on about Tiger Wood's Dad. Out of respect, it'll be another skit in the dvd I guess I'll just have to fast forward out of respect for the deceased (again) ... pretty soon, she won't have any material left:ohwell: :frown: