Riverdance tix for this Sat. at 8


New Member
These are $75 tickets that I won through my job. We're talking Front Orchestra seats at the Wolf Trap during the 8 o'clock show.

I will entertain any offers for these, as I will be in Baltimore that night.


new_identity4me said:
We're talking Front Orchestra seats at the Wolf Trap during the 8 o'clock show.

Give them to me, and I'll give you so much Green Karma you won't know what hit you.


New Member
I really do not have a clue why Karma would be important for a message board. But then again, I never played Dungeon's and Dragon's either.

I do have much respect for Buddhists though. I just didn't realize how many were in St. Mary's.


New Member
new_identity4me said:
I really do not have a clue why Karma would be important for a message board. But then again, I never played Dungeon's and Dragon's either.

I do have much respect for Buddhists though. I just didn't realize how many were in St. Mary's.



New Member
multitaskerJuls said:
How many tickets do you have? If you have 2, would you take $75 for both!?

Hi Multi,

I really need you to get in touch with me if your serious about these tix. It's so close to Saturday and I'd like someone to get to go. Whether I give these away to a friend, or sell them for 1/2 price to you, I just want someone that might enjoy them, to get them.

Anyone else?


New Member
So, Are you willing to sell them for $75 for two tickets? I am very interested if you are willing to sell them to me. I need to know soon so we can make the necessary plans to meet up. Thank you!


Salt Life
multitaskerJuls said:
So, Are you willing to sell them for $75 for two tickets? I am very interested if you are willing to sell them to me. I need to know soon so we can make the necessary plans to meet up. Thank you!
Dude, I would have offered him like $20 for both. It's not like he paid for them. :lmao:


New Member
multitaskerJuls said:
So, Are you willing to sell them for $75 for two tickets? I am very interested if you are willing to sell them to me. I need to know soon so we can make the necessary plans to meet up. Thank you!

Please check your IM mailbox.


New Member
OK multitasker, I've sent two messages and one e-mail to you. Would you like to respond? I need to know today. Otherwise I am giving these to my friend. Please respond.

Thank you :)