Hmmmmm, bolding mine
And then this........
Have they been factually debunked? I mean beyond the ability of a good crisis management team back by Pelosis's financial and political clout to arrange?
I would say, mostly - yes. Presumably there is camera evidence of the glass being broken. So there's that.
No Secret Service detail because they follow Nancy, not spouses or homes. Capitol Police, which monitors remotely cameras on people in crucial parts of our government - they HAVE the footage but not surprisingly, no one was watching AT THE TIME.
So the time line then goes, Paul wakes to the sound of crashing and gets up in his night clothes - not unusual for 2:30 AM and confronts the attacker who's already been filmed breaking the glass with his hammer and still has it. At one point, stupid ass attacker lets him go to the bathroom and he makes the call, and while calling for the police, understandably doesn't enrage his attacker by lying about "knowing" him.
Timeline then claims he attacked Paul after the police arrived - police report I saw said that time difference was about three seconds. So crazy guy is oblivious. NOT surprising.
I've read other police stuff about this guy rambling AFTER he was subdued - he's crazy. Claims he was on a suicide mission and had other targets.
So - crazy guy with a hammer who thinks he's Jesus for the past six years - yeah. WAS WELL KNOWN for his loonie ravings in his community. His "politics" are all over the spectrum with no consistency. Sorry, that does make more sense than some gay hammer story that was hushed up.