Robert Griffin III...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...2011 Heisman trophy winner. Of Baylor.

Baylor. :buddies:

Heisman Trophy

This is a feel good story. The award was all but given to Andrew Luck last winter when he decided to stay at Stanford for his senior year. He's been considered the #1 pick for next year, a franchise, elite type for the pro's.

He didn't have a bad senior season, in fact it was very good, 70% completions, 3,200 yards and 35/9 TD's/INT's and it is not often a choice gets walked back if the anointed one does well, especially if they are from a BIG name school like Stanford.

However, Griffin had an ENORMOUS season, over 70% completions, nearly 4,000 yards and 36/6 TD's/INT's. The QB rating was absurd, 192 to Lucks in and of itself fantastic 167.

The deciding factor seems to be that Luck 'only' had a season that repeated his very, very good 2010 statistically. A season which vaulted him to #1 talk whereas Griffin, whose 2010 was actually comparable to Lucks 2010, had a significantly better season this year. Plus, career stats to date are Luck 80/21 and 9,000 yards with Robert at 77/17 and 10,000.

Another big factor is Baylor ran the table at the end of the season beating Oklahoma, Texas A & M and finishing with a solid win over Texas. Add to that, Griffin didn't have any 'disappear' games, playing well in a loss against top 5 Oklahoma state. Luck didn't have a 'disappear' game either and Stanford has a better record, one loss to Baylors three and luck has a huge bowl game coming up against Oklahoma State so, there will be that very cool match up to be able to have a final word on comparison because they will have played a common top tier opponent.

It would have been pretty easy to just stay with Luck so, I applaud the Down Town Athletic club, the writers and other voters. This seems to me to be a completely great choice.



Football addict
Of course, there are rumblings now that he could over-take Luck for the #1 overall pick. I don't see it happening but either way, the Skins get a solid QB if either of these guys pan out in the NFL.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Of course, there are rumblings now that he could over-take Luck for the #1 overall pick. I don't see it happening but either way, the Skins get a solid QB if either of these guys pan out in the NFL.

That ain't happening. Griffin is going early but, Luck will be #1. It seems the system he is running and the pre snap reads he is making, and all doing very, very well, in addition to his size, talent and execution are of a complexity light years ahead of what anyone else is doing in college and puts him in position to start for anyone next year.

On the one hand, there is enormous hype around him he can't possibly play up to and yet on the other pretty much the entire universe thinks he's that good, especially on the complexity part of the position.