

Well-Known Member
Tonight I received a call from a friend telling me our mutual childhood/adulthood friend Roberta had been murdered. I hadn't spoken w/Roberta for a week, I knew she was having problems w/Michael, "I'll get through it" were her closing words as we disconnected last week.
Last night he stabbed Roberta repeatedly, then drug her out of her house, leaving her on the sidewalk. He turned himself in 3 hours later.

Another Woman

Today another woman died
and not on a foreign field
and not with a rifle strapped to her back,
and not with a large defense of tanks
rumbling and rolling behind her.

She died without CNN covering her war.
She died without talk of intelligent bombs
and strategic targets
The target was simply her face, her back
or her pregnant belly.

The target was her precious flesh
that was once composed like music
in her mother’s body and sung
in the anthem of birth.

The target was this life
that had lived its own dear wildness,
had been loved and not loved,
had danced and not danced.

A life like yours or mine
that had stumbled up
from a beginning
and had learned to walk
and had learned to read.
and had learned to sing.

Another woman died today.
not far from where you live;
Just there, next door where the tall light
falls across the pavement.

Just there, a few steps away
where you’ve often heard shouting,
Another woman died today.

She was the same girl
her mother used to kiss;
the same child you dreamed
beside in school.
The same baby her parents
walked in the night with
and listened and listened and listened
For her cries even while they slept.

And someone has confused his rage
with this woman’s only life.

-Carol Geneya Kaplan​


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Roberta said:
Nope, not me.
Good! That freaked me out when I read that post. Glad you're not dead!

And Lily, I'm sorry about your friend. I have no idea why women stay with abusive men.


Well-Known Member
Thank you-

Roberta had recently ended her friendship/relationship w/Michael, a co-worker.
He wouldn't let go, it didn't reach the point of him stalking her-he killed her before he got to that point.
He didn't live close to her but she would see his car in her neighborhood frequently. They never lived together, just dated off/on for about a year. She distanced herself a couple of months ago. She sensed something just wasn't right, told all of us about her "6th sense" about him.
This case doesn't fit the profile or so the homicide detectives have told the family. Michael isn't mentally disturbed according to his family; he is under evaluation at the present time-awaiting formal charges.
Of course he lawyered up immediately.


Well-Known Member
Lilypad said:
Roberta had recently ended her friendship/relationship w/Michael, a co-worker.
He wouldn't let go, it didn't reach the point of him stalking her-he killed her before he got to that point.
He didn't live close to her but she would see his car in her neighborhood frequently. They never lived together, just dated off/on for about a year. She distanced herself a couple of months ago. She sensed something just wasn't right, told all of us about her "6th sense" about him.
This case doesn't fit the profile or so the homicide detectives have told the family. Michael isn't mentally disturbed according to his family; he is under evaluation at the present time-awaiting formal charges.
Of course he lawyered up immediately.
I want to clarify my statement-while my dear friend Roberta didn't think Michael was stalking her-we all thought he was-the fact he was seen in her gated community was evidence enough.
I wish I could stress to young women the importance of trusting their gut instead of their brain or heart!

So sad... I am sorry for you loss :huggy: , maybe this will help more girls realize this REALLY can happen.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Lilypad said:
Michael isn't mentally disturbed according to his family
Michael's family needs to get a clue. Sane, rational, healthy people do not stab someone to death.

But the good news is that if they'll testify that he wasn't mentally disturbed, he won't get off with an insanity plea.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Michael's family needs to get a clue. Sane, rational, healthy people do not stab someone to death.

But the good news is that if they'll testify that he wasn't mentally disturbed, he won't get off with an insanity plea.
it doesn't matter in MD, even if he is convicted of 1st degree and all the trapping, he'll be eligible for parole in 15 years if not sooner. I have personal experience, a POS killed a family member of mine and got life plus 25 years. He had his first parole hearing after 14 years. WTF????